Production Media Group,

Haylie Duff, Chris Carmack, Connie Selleca, Stephen Colletti

Eve (Haylie Duff) is a party planner who works for the unflinching and selfish boss Elizabeth (Connie Sellecca) who sends her on an assignment in Los Angeles for Christmas for a very critical client. Eve has plans to go to Aspen with her boyfriend, but must decide whether to cancel her plans and take a shot at winning the promotion to run the west coast office, or keep her plans. She makes her choice, but is late to the plane, and may not make the flight. We get to see two alternate realities when Eve either makes the plane, or misses it, in this unique look at how a single event in our lives can bring completely different ends.

This is a strange movie, in it’s construction. Unlike some other films tackling this subject, we watch it unfold in both universes at the same time, switching back and forth between rich Eve and poor Eve every few minutes. If you don’t pay attention and come in after this switch, you’ll be totally lost, but the weird way this is pieced together actually works. Unlike little sister Hillary, Haylie actually is a pretty decent actress and does a pretty good job playing both Eve’s. This is a film about what is important, and how little choice can have a profound effect on who we become. I enjoyed this film, as it was very different, and very well put together. I recommend catching this brand new Christmas film when you can.

Here is the home page for this new Lifetime Christmas film.

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Active Entertainment, Bullet Films, XXX Filmproduktion GmbH & Co KG

Nikki Deloach, Stephen Colletti, Anabella Casanova, Ross Britz, Terry Kiser, Mariah Bonner, A.J. Allegra, Lara Grice, Michael Berryman, Treat Williams

Evan Reynolds (Stephen Colletti) bought his bride to be Jennifer (Nikki Deloach) a run down 19th-century plantation house very cheap. But there is a reason it was very cheap. Too bad neither he nor his bride-to-be discover it until their friends — whom they’ve invited to the manse to celebrate — begin to drop dead. This house has a history and past residents are still hanging around in this horror fest.

This is a typical hacker/slasher film, like has been done many times before. But it seems we never get tired of these, especially in October. This one is a good as any. It starts out right into the action, and it’s creepy throughout. The plantation is run down, for sure, but their dream is to fix it up, flip it, and make a lot of money. But you have to live long enough to do that. And it appears nobody is coming out of this house alive.

The cast is not well know, but the quality is good. It’s a NetFlix “Watch Instantly” film, and frequently on Cable this time of year. It’s a good Halloween movie, just right for the cool fall evenings. If you can find this one, turn it on, as for sure it’s a horror film that slipped through the cracks. If you hate slasher films, then avoid this, as it is that and really nothing else. But if you’re a horror fan, this is as good as any, and it’s nice to have a new story that isn’t part 15 of Jason wasn’t really dead and is coming back for a 16th. Well done simple gore fest, and worth the time I spent watching it.

EdG – EdsReview Dot Com – A Movie Review Blog



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