Legendary Entertainment, Tencent Pictures, Warner Bros.,

Tom Hiddleston, Samuel L. Jackson, John Goodman, Brie Larson, Tian Jing, John Ortiz, Terry Notary, John C. Reilly, Toby Kebbell, Corey Hawkins, Jason Mitchell, Shea Whigham, Thomas Mann

A team of scientists convince their congressman that there is an urgent need to visit and document a hidden island, behind circle of constant storms, to document what exists there. They agree to send a team to visit the island first, but insist it must be lead by military leader Preston Packard who is sad that the Viet Nam war has been shutdown and he has nothing to do. But the island is more dangerous than they realized, and the wild creatures that live on the island wre extremely aggressive and the team is in big trouble from the very start, and trying their best to just stay alive, when the learn the king of the island is a giant ape known as Kong.

This is not really a Kong movie, and has very little to do with the giant ape. Kong only has a cameo or two and is a bit player in this story, but the other wildlife on this island are the key to the story. This is basically a military story much more than a giant ape story! Samuel L Jackson as Preston Packard is absolutely nuts as the driven soldier who naturally pushes too hard and is very stubborn and unwilling to listen. John C Reilly is a standed WWII soldier who has been stranded on this island for decades who is a major add to the story. The action in this movie is excellent, the battles are very exciting, and the acting is pretty decent, considering the non-stop action. Truthfully this movie is much more like The Battle of Los Angeles or Battleship than it is a Kong movie. They surely borrow some of the story from Sir Arthur Conan Doyle’s THe Lost World, more than anything. So as long as you’re looking for monsters and action rather than a King Kong movie sequel, you won’t be disappointed. Granted you have to suspend belief and threat this as science fiction, but the action is good, the monsters are realistic, and it’s a lot of fun.

EdG – EdsReview Dot Com – A Movie Review Blog




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Chernin Entertainment, TSG Entertainment,

Andy Serkis, Woody Harrelson, Steve Zahn, Amiah Miller, Terry Notary, Judy Greer, Karin Konoval, Ty Olsson, Alessandro Juliani, Michael Adamthwaite, Max Lloyd-Jones, Aleks Paunovic, Sara Canning, Gabriel Chavarria, Chad E. Rook

Caesar (Andy Serkis) is the leader of the Apes. They have fled to a hideaway deep into the forest. Caesar simply wants peace, but the Colonel (Woody Harrelson) is building a fortress at the old base and is relentlessly looking for the hideout of the apes in order to wipe them out once and for all. But when Caesar’s wife and son are killed, he sets out after The Colonel to seek his revenge, only to learn that there is an even greater danger just above the horizon for both sides.

These darn Planet of the Apes films just keep getting better and better. This has to be the best one of all. It is hard to watch the original Planet films now, with the special effects, CGI, and the wonderful scenery and sets make this a stunning thing to watch. Add to it the 3-D and a huge screen and recliner seats and it was really an experience. I enjoyed every second of this film. It was amazing entertainment. They really make the apes more expressive than the humans are, and the script has to be one of the best ever. This is a rather simple war story that will likely strike a chord with everyone. This is a very good story, and everything came together in every way. This is the must see film of the year, and one I would always expect this kind of film to kill at the box office. Kudos to everyone involved with this film, and if you haven’t gone out to see it, what the heck are you waiting for???

EdG – EdsReview Dot Com – A Movie Review Blog



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Atlas Entertainment, Legendary Entertainment, Blizzard Entertainment,

Travis Fimmel, Paula Patton, Ben Foster, Dominic Cooper, Toby Kebbell, Ben Schnetzer, Robert Kazinsky, Daniel Wu, Anna Galvin, Ruth Negga, Clancy Brown, Dylan Schombing, Terry Notary, Callum Keith Rennie, Dean Redman

Based on the Blizzard video games, this high adventure film follows the story line of when the Horde came through a portal into the land of Azeroth which is run by the human race. Orcs come through because their world is in ruins and they want to wage war to take over the world. All of the bravery, magic, and strength will be needed to protect Azeroth.

This film is very well done. Blizzard is a classic company, and I generally am not a big fan of video games turned into movies, but this was technically superb. Special effects. The action is very good as are the battle scenes. I must admit I played World of Warcraft for a number of years, although I have never seen the earlier single player games, but seeing some of the locations was a real treat, although I must admit that I played the game completing quests and not paying much to the back story. I really enjoyed the action and adventure in this movie, and I think it was very well made, and as such, I recommend this movie. It was a lot of fun!

EdG – EdsReview Dot Com – A Movie Review Blog



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Studio Canal, Film4, UK Film Council

Nick Frost, Jodie Whittaker, Luke Treadaway, John Boyega, Alex Esmail, Franz Drameh, Leeon Jones, Jumayn Hunter, Danielle Vitalis, Paige Meade, Simon Howard, Terry Notary

A South London gang is out making trouble, trying to mug a young lady when fire falls from the sky. A race of aliens has landed and they are out for blood. The gang has to try to work together to defend their territory from the bloodthirsty aliens who prove a lot tougher than those they typically have to face.

This is brought to you by the same team that brought you “Sean of the Dead”, it’s certainly tongue in cheek and somewhat humorous. However the aliens are real tough guys. Big as gorillas and running on all fours, covered in hair and with glow in the dark mouths, they are pretty terrifying and quite strong. They sneak through the shadows and are very fast. As we catch glimpses of them they become more and more horrific.

This is basically a morality play. The bad guy is the one everyone has to depend on to save them, and it’s going to be interesting to see who is able to forgive his past transgressions and accept his help. Played by a typical bad mouthed bunch of hoods, that’s exactly what they’re supposed to be. Not very likable, but again, just what you would expect. They have to do what they can to survive, and it’s certainly full of action and suspense. This was a bit of a surprise to me, as I didn’t expect much, but I was impressed with the action and adventure in this film, along with some real humor. It was well done, and I enjoyed it quite a bit.

EdG – EdsReview Dot Com – A Movie Review Blog



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