The Tyler Perry Company

Loretta Devine, Tyler Perry, Bow Wow, David Mann, Cassi Davis, Tamela Mann, Lauren London, Isaiah Mustafa, Rodney Perry, Shannon Kane

Madea (Tyler Perry) learns about her niece Shirley’s (Loretta Divine) health issues, the super-grandma and problem-solver takes over the situation again, On Shirley’s behalf, summoning together her highly fragmented clan in this madcap dramatic comedy all about family values. Shirley wants to have a nice dinner at home to break the sad news to the family, but nothing goes as expected. When it all falls apart, it falls upon Madea, as usual, to crack some skulls and put everybody back on the right track. This, she does, with a great deal of enthusiasm.

Oh, my. I can hardly figure out where to begin to review this film. It’s got great family values, as I said, and teaches good life lessons. It also has some humor, especially African-American humor that is pretty clever. Whether it’s Perry or Martin Lawrence or Eddie Murphy dressing up in drag and playing a snappy old woman in a fat suit, it’s sure to be somewhat funny. It’s hard to criticize a film that has such good values and such a nice lesson, but can the world handle ANOTHER Tyler Perry movie? It seems we’ve seen it over and over and over again.

Let me say this. If you haven’t seen Tyler Perry’s Madea dozens of times, and you’d like to know what it’s all about, this is a great way to start. It’s a decent film, and there is even a stage play version of the same film available on DVD which would be OK as well. But if you’re sick of Madea, this is just more of the same. Personally I thought long and hard about skipping this installment of the Madea slaps a bunch of bratty kids around movie, but I thought maybe there was something different here. But there wasn’t. A few days ago I did a review of I Will Follow. [CLICK HERE TO SEE THE REVIEW] This is a much better telling of a similar story that is not exactly the same as what we’ve seen over and over. I would recommend that one over this one (although it’s more drama and less slapstick). If you haven’t overdone it with Madea though, then by all means go for it, as it’s a decent film. I’ve just been overdosed on Fat Lady, Man in Drag, movies for a long time. (Hint: The final Maury Povich segment is particularly funny though, I must admit.)

EdG – EdsReview Dot Com – A Movie Review Blog



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