** Operation Christmas

Lighthouse Pictures,

Tricia Helfer, Marc Blucas, Lisa Durupt, Gabrielle Rose, Benjamin Wosk, Megan Charpentier, Jaeda Lily Miller, Barclay Hope, Chelan Simmons

Olivia (Tricia Helfer) is a single Mom. Her new boyfriend is in the military and is called out to deploy just before the holidays, so Olivia and her children decide to setup a plan to give a great Christmas to herself and her children by providing help for all the struggling military families that are alone for the holidays. But as they lose themselves in the work, they find many things changing for them, and the blessings keep growing as they share with others.

This film was a bit disappointing. It seemed a little rushed and did not have a strong story. The characters are cardboard cutouts, and there just is no depth to them. There are some really big issues that are not even looked into, and things fall together just a little bit too easily. I did not get invested in the story, and when it was over, I felt a bit cheated in that I spent the time, but got little in return. There are some of the new films that are really excellent, but this just wasn’t one of them. This story just didn’t work.

EdG – EdsReview Dot Com – A Movie Review Blog



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** Finding Christmas

Chesler/Perlmutter Productions,

Tricia Helfer, J.T. Hodges, Mark Lutz, Cristina Rosato

Sean (Mark Lutz) is an advertising agent in New York City who is about to propose to his girlfriend for the holidays. His plan doesn’t turn out so well, and he’s really depressed. Owen (J.T. Hodges) is a small town handyman and a country musician from North Carolina. The bump into each other on the internet and decide to swap homes for the holidays. Both of these guys are in need of a change of scenery and a bit of a vacation. Sean has asked his assistant Mia (Cristina Rosato) to look after Owen, while when Sean arrives at the home in North Carolina, he meets Ryan (Tricia Helfer) who Owen had asked to help fix the heater. Mia is instantly attracted to Owen, who feels like a fish out of water in the big city. But when Halo (Jessica Philips) notices Owen, dressed in Sean’s clothes in the elevator, she assumes he’s rich and they two decide to have a date. But on the date, Owen learns what Halo is about and learns his lesson. This little house swap may turn into a wonderful holiday for everyone.

This is your typical Hallmark holiday romp through romance and lots of problems. It is well made though, and is an enjoyable little film. The story moves along quickly and is enjoyable. The holiday theme is great, and it’s an interesting premise. Like most holiday fare from TV, it’s not a remarkably unique story, but it’s perfect for the season, and if you missed it last year, it will be repeated this year on the Hallmark Channel

For times and movie info, here is the home page for Finding Christmas.

EdG – EdsReview Dot Com – A Movie Review Blog



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Bull Market Entertainment, EKZ Productions, Lainie Productions,

Kaley Cuoco, Chris Klein, Dennis Farina, Jonathan Bennett, Dylan Walsh, Teri Polo, Tricia Helfer, Jonathan Banks

A group of wanna-be writers have a club where they meet to help each other. It’s all for one as they read some of their writings and offer suggestions. When they invite newcomer Hannah Rinaldi (Kaley Cuoco) to the group, she fits in quickly. But her sudden success in finding an agent, getting published, and her career taking off sets in motion lots of feelings of jealousy and envy as everyone tries to complete with her success. But thing deteriorate quickly with lots of other issues coming to the surface.

I did enjoy this film, although it wasn’t wildly fascinating, it wasn’t boring. The story is a lot like A Star is Born, and many other copycats of that basic story of a young newcomer finding easy success and the jealousy it sets off in those not so lucky. But there are also many other facets in this story that really help to keep it going strong. With great performances from the likes of Chris Klein, Dennis Farina, and Teri Polo, plus the others, this is really a ensemble movie. Kaley doesn’t have to carry the film on her own, which, as good a group actor as she is, I’m not sure she could really pull off. Fortunately with such a cast, no one has to carry the film, and the depth of the characters really helps the story along. It’s not too long, though major events happen, the overall feel is light and enjoyable. It’s a quirky story, and one that I would never have thought of. I found it unusual, but fun to watch, and if you’re so inclined, I’d suggest giving it a shot. It’s surely not a movie you’ve heard of, and those kind of surprises are sometimes a lot of fun.

EdG – EdsReview Dot Com – A Movie Review Blog



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Chesler/Perlmutter Productions

Greg Bryk, Sydney Cross, Peter DaCunha, Jayden Greig, Tricia Helfer, Tedde Moore, Mairtin O’Carrigan, Damon Runyan

Mrs Santa (Tedde Moore) senses that her husband Santa (Mairtin O’Carrigan) is losing the Christmas spirit. He’s even talking of quitting. So she tries to think of a plan, and figures if she can find Christmas spirit anywhere, New York City is the place, so off she goes for The Big Apple to find some spirit to cheer up her husband. In the process she finds a great family who really needs her help.

This is a brand new Hallmark Christmas movie, premiering this year. It’s true that the “Santa is depressed because nobody believes in him anymore” premise has been done to done to death. But this is a fresh look at the problem. Mrs. Santa is extremely delightful and quite a nice lady. The family, dedicated New York policeman, and overzealous career woman that are planning to divorce, and two nice kids who are being torn apart by the divorce. This is a heartwarming story due to the characters and the fine actors that play the parts. It’s nice to have a new movie. There are a few every year, and that helps make the story fresh.

This is one that will probably last through the years. Watch for this one on Hallmark, and if it doesn’t warm your heart, you may be dead!

EdG – EdsReview Dot Com – A Movie Review Blog



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