Max Pix,

Alexandra Paul, Maureen McCormick, Janet Carroll, Jason Brooks, Judy Landers, Vanessa Angel, Mariah Buzolin

Riley (Aaron Jaeger) is bummed. His mother is losing her job, and working loads of overtime at Christmas. Riley says he’s lost the Christmas spirit, when a real Christmas Spirit named Hope shows up to teach him a lesson. She assigns him to find the Christmas spirit himself and to bring it to another family. He’s led to a family in Malibu who isn’t have a very nice holiday. Mom is a children’s book writer who’s has writers block. Dad is working hard to crunch the numbers and find a way to merge companies which will lay off a lot of people, and the daughter is always in trouble. None of them are close to each other. Riley arrives and tries to bring them together, but nothing he does seems to make any difference.

This movie was originally released as “Christmas Spirit” and then re-released as “A Christmas Puppy”. What the puppy has to do with it is really dubious. The story is rather horrid, but I guess to make it appear a little more palatable, the put the little puppy on the cover and made it look like a cute little story about a puppy. But it turns out that the family HAS a dog, and that’s about it. The opening of the movie has a little kid voice narrate the beginning and the very end. I suppose this is supposed to be “A Christmas Puppy” telling the story, but it truly doesn’t make any sense. I am not sure if the original title had the narration or if this is something they added to sell the whole puppy idea. Then this kid jumps the wall into a fancy home in Mailbu and proceeds to stay all day when nobody knows him. The spirit pops in and out whenever the so called plot calls for it, but she’s the worst Christmas spirit I’ve ever seen. She’s a hell of a lot more like Flo the Progressive Insurance lady. Basically this story is really lame, and the acting is really lame, and the whole premise is pretty lame. There’s nothing to see here, so move along, move along. This truly is one of the worst disaster’s I’ve ever seen. It takes a lot to make me dis a Christmas movie, but this one is just plain bad. So avoid it under either title.

EdG – EdsReview Dot Com – A Movie Review Blog



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Aspen Entertainment Group

Matt Prokop, Randy Wayne, Jillian Murray, Robin Blazak, Vanessa Angel, Lara Flynn Boyle, Jareb Dauplaise, Frank Drank, Jim Ferraro, Bryce Foster, Ricardo Gil

Tyler (Matt Prokop), Dick (Randy Wayne), and Tom (Jareb Daupliase) are best buddies in a dead end town in Arizona when Tyler suddenly gets dumped by his girlfriend because he wants to wait and she has “needs”. Dick Richards hears from a friend of his that Aspen, Colorado is full of older ladies (Cougars) out looking for young guys to have affairs with, and they decide that this is the way to go! They pack up and head out for Colorado, although Tyler is a bit reluctant. The moment Tyler comes into town, he spots Penelope (Jillian Murray) who is his age, and is in love at first sight. He sets out to win her, only to be sidetracked by his buddy Dick who insists he go out Cougar hunting with some disastrous results for everybody.

This is a raunch teen comedy, and unfortunately not too good. However, it’s not as bad as some, and not as raunchy as some, although there is a lot of nudity and a good bit of bathroom humor, for sure! It has its share of filth which is par for the course for these types of films. This is fairly low budget. It’s hard to believe they claim to have spent 5 1/2 million on this film, but most of it must have been getting the whole bunch up to Aspen where it was filmed on location. It has all the usual scenes for this type of film, and is a copy of just about everything you’ve seen before. Not much new here, but with that being said, there were some truly funny parts. Those who say there’s nothing funny here have just watched too many of these raunchy teen romps and are bored with them. There are a few surprise moments that are truly funny. Obviously there are better films in the same genre to watch, but if you’re looking for a new one. This is available on NetFlix “Watch Instantly” (at least for now) and is a cheap thrill in that respect. Not a very good job by the actors, but then again, what do you expect? If you’re into “poop” jokes, this one certainly has that! There is an old dirty joke around about a patient in the hospital with SWAN tattooed on his private parts. One of the naughty nurses comes back to report that it doesn’t say “Swan” it actually says “Saskatchewan”. This joke must have inspired the gag in the beginning of this movie. It is truly disgusting and sets the tone for the rest of the film, that’s for sure!! If you can sit through that whole sequence, then the rest of the film is a breeze. Good luck should you decide to waste 90 minutes on this video.

EdG – EdsReview Dot Com – A Movie Review Blog



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