Sidney Kimmel Entertainment, Electric City Entertainment, Verisimilitude,

Ryan Gosling, Bradley Cooper, Eva Mendes, Ray Liotta, Ben Mendelsohn, Rose Byrne, Mahershala Ali, Bruce Greenwood, Harris Yulin

Luke (Ryan Gosling) is a professional motorcycle rider. When the show returns to Schenectady, Luke looks up Romina (Eva Mendes), an old flame, but he is surprised to learn he has a son. Romina is now in a new relationship, but Luke really wants to be a Dad to his son. But he soon falls into bank robbery to provide money for his son which puts him on a collision course with very ambitious cop, Avery (Bradley Cooper) which doesn’t end well for anyone.

This relationship movie is a real though provoker. There is a lot to think about here. There are number of different relationships going on, and the movie is really broken up into 3 distinct stores which all overlap, of course. I really enjoyed this film. It was a long movie, nearly 2 1/2 hours, and it was brilliantly filmed. This is like an Indie film with a A Movie cast! There are a lot of people who didn’t like this film, I think mostly because there is much less action, chases, and gun play than a typical cop flick. In fact, this isn’t really a copy story, although the story is set around the department. It does develop characters meticulously and there are no real good or bad guys here. As in real life, everyone is sort of midstream somewhere in between. It does show how choices we make can have long lasting effects. But mostly this looks at the lives of these characters, and how they interact. One of the common complaints is the ending. Many people expect a huge climax with a gigantic tied up with a pink bow ending. This is not near that simple. The ending is realistic as can be, and that puts off some people. But even though this is a tough film to watch due to the nature of the subject, it was really worthwhile, and I enjoyed it very much. I think you’re best going into this with as little background of the story as possible, and it will be much more enjoyable.

EdG – EdsReview Dot Com – A Movie Review Blog



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Verisimilitude, Silverwood Films, Periscope Entertainment

Jacob Wysocki, John C. Reilly, Bridger Zadina, Creed Bratton, Olivia Crocicchia, Tim Heidecker, Justin Prentice, Mary Anne McGarry, Tara Karsian

Terri is the story of a very strange overweight orphan who lives with his uncle who is taking large doses of meds, and is becoming senile. Terri has to take care of him, and take care of himself as well. He’s a strange kid, who comes to school in his pajamas because they are comfortable, and in the process makes an even stranger high school principal Mr. Fitzgerald (John C Reilly). Terri wants to fit in, but he is in an impossible situation and just can’t seem to get it together.

This is a very strange film. Some people are really going to love this. I didn’t like it very much, but I also had a morbid curiosity about the damn thing that meant I could not turn it off. It was like peeping in someone’s window. Mr. Fitzgerald is totally nuts. He makes friends with all the screwed up kids and has weekly meetings with them, making each of them think they’re the only one. You think he’s really a pervert, but I don’t think he is, at all. He’s just very, very lonely and seems to fit in better with the weirdos. He must have had a totally screwed up childhood himself. Terri comes to the aid of a fellow female student who was caught in a very compromising situation. He makes friends with her too, but his other friend is dead set on getting in between them. This sets up an all night party of sorts that is the most awkward thing I have ever seen. All the way through, you are expecting some kind of revelation or some kind of solution to make it all make sense, but it never comes. When we’re done with the film, it’s still like were were just peeping thorough the curtains at one of the dumb fat kids that we used to torture when we were in grade school. I don’t think Terri could survive in a real school, but these kids leave him alone for the most part. Luck for him, because in my school, he would have been beaten up every day, I’m afraid.

This is a Sundance type artsy film that is not supposed to give us any real sense of fulfillment. It’s just a window into the life of an orphaned fat kid who can’t fit in. If you’re a fan of the artsy films, then give it a go, but I wish I had passed on it, myself. The acting is pretty decent. John C Reilly is good, as is Creed Bratton, who plays the senile old uncle. But the story is really weak in my opinion. Strange. Very Strange.

EdG – EdsReview Dot Com – A Movie Review Blog



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