Wind Chill Films, Belvedere Entertainment, Maricopa Films
Chris Conrad, Alexander Martin, Kat Hawks, Brock Kelly, Mary Stein, Angell Conwell, Ines Dali, Kevin Dobson, Merik Tadros
Two musicians are on their way to a gig when they come upon a thick fog and they are unable to continue. They find a place to stay in a hotel in mysterious Mercy, California. But there is something odd with this hotel. They go to sleep, but when they wake up it’s the next night, and they’ve slept the entire day through. Given only raw steak to eat, the next day, the same thing happens. Mercy is behind a time portal where it goes directly from night to night, and the same thing happens every day. There is witchcraft at work, and there is a sinister master plan to bring forth the devil’s child.
This is a pretty unusual creepy little film. There are certainly strange thing afoot, and it takes a fair amount of effort to figure out what is going on. The chills are one after another. It’s very spooky and the goosebumps are real. I enjoyed the horrific mood of this film, and though it’s not the smoothest or slickest horror tale, it’s still pretty good. Often found on cable, especially in October! It’s a neat film to check out for some late night chills.
EdG – EdsReview Dot Com – A Movie Review Blog
Author: EdG
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