Archive for Special Interest

Woodshed Films, Inc

Yvon Chouinard, Jeff Johnson, Makohe

180 degrees South is a documentary, tree hugger sermon, outdoor showcase, and extreme sports film.   It is available on NetFlix “Watch Instantly”.  There are some problems with this film, but basically it’s beautiful.   Put aside the preaching of the environmentalist.  We understand that American’s are the most evil people on the planet, and man has destroyed almost all of nature with his greed and on and on and on.  But aside from that, this film is beautiful.  It documents a group who have dedicated their lives to doing what they want!   Hop on a boat and set off to Patagonia!  (This was in 1968).   The footage was found a few years ago by Jeff Johnson and he set off on a journey to recreate the trip.  The film is a compilation of the two trips.  On the way they visit the Galápagos Islands and Easter Islands, and some great surfing.  Then on to South America and a mountain climb of epic proportions.

The scenery is beautiful, and the cinematography is breathtaking.  If you love nature in it purest and untouched, this is a perfect way to see it.  If you love extreme sports like big wave surfing or mountain climbing, this is a way to enjoy it.

I enjoyed watching the views, and discounted a lot of the preaching, and all in all found it enjoyable.  I know some people loved it, and some hated it because they couldn’t get over the “message”, but I found it somewhere in the middle.   As a documentary, it was very well done, and worth the time I took to sit back and enjoy the scenery.

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Author: EdG

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