2oth Century Fox
George Clooney, Bill Murray, Meryl Streep, Jason Schwartzman, Owen Wilson
Mr Fox is fantastic. He’s also a born thief. He went on the wagon to please the Mrs. Fantastic Fox, but can’t help himself from stealing chickens from the biggest, weirdest, baddest, nastiest farmers around.
Reviewers are raving about “the best film of 2009” and “On par with anything out of Pixar”. Hunh? Maybe these guys were in the production company or something.  This is NOT the film I watched. The one I saw was mediocre at best.
I grew up watching stop motion animation, and it was pretty cool back in the day. And it’s nice to see it well done again like this is. In fact, if you don’t know it, you almost accept it as normal 3D animation and don’t think about it being “stop motion”.
My problem was with the story. Some loved it. I was just pretty bored and disappointed in it. Mr. Fox is a split personality. He’s trying to be good but just can’t. The farmers retaliate and he screws the whole band, so he has to try to save everybody and live happily ever after. Oh well, that’s what happens, but it’s hard to care about it. It’s kind of ironic when the fox is acting like a human (talking to his lawyer) and still thieving chickens.  What they talk about it is kind of funny, but nothing as heart wrenching or laugh out loud funny as other better movies. I think this is a mid range film, worth it if you’re really a fan of stop motion, or if you’re a cartoon junkie, but if you have limited time, I would suggest something else.  Certainly Toy Story3, Dispicable Me, and many others are much better.
Author: EdG
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