The Asylum,
Ian Ziering, Tara Reid, Cassandra Scerbo, David Hasselhoff, Bo Derek, Ryan Newman, Jack Griffo, Mark Cuban, Ann Coulter, Michelle Bachmann, Jerry Springer, Chris Kirkpatrick, Kim Richards, Chris Jericho, Holly Madison, Kendra Wilkinson, Max Kellerman, Anthony Weiner, Frankie Muniz

Fin (Ian Ziering) is back, honored as the hero who fought and destroyed the flying sharks in Sharknado 2. His wife April (Tara Reid) is also back, but she’s expecting a child and out of the limelight, though Fin is on his way to the White House to meet with President Marcus Robbins (Mark Cuban) as a massive WALL of tornadoes is approaching the entire eastern seaboard bring sharks raining down all over the most populated cities of the country including Washington D.C. Fin and his father Gilbert (David Hasselhoff) set out to pull of a major miracle that could destroy the wall of tornadoes.
This TV movie from SyFy is the third installment of this parody movie of many great creature movies in the past. Here are my reviews of Sharknado the original film, and Sharknado 2: The Second One. As you would expect, these films are really, really BAD. In fact, that’s the entire point of the series. This one is the most ludicrous of the whole works, and the good news is that we do NOT know at the end of the film whether one of our major characters is alive or dead. Therefore it will require a Sharknado 4 sometime in 2016. There are so many cameo appearances in here that you won’t be able to count them all, and each one is a more pleasant surprise than the one before. You’ll see people here you haven’t thought of in years! Don’t expect to be wowed by the cool story. It’s the sense of humor these guy have without breaking up that is impressive. If the Three Stooges irritates the hell out of you, then this may not be your cup of tea, but if Moe clanking Larry over the head with a sledge hammer is your idea of fun, then join with me in enjoying Ian Zeering and Tara Reid and a whole bunch of non-actors hamming it up in the most ridiculous premise in history.
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Paco Cinematografica, Warner Bros., Business Location Sudtirol Alto Adige,
Geoffrey Rush, Jim Sturgess, Sylvia Hoeks, Donald Sutherland, Philip Jackson, Dermot Crowley, Liya Kebede

Virgil Oldman (Geoffrey Rush) is a very high end art auctioneer and connoisseur who handles very high end art sales. But when he is hired to handle the estate sale of a rich heiress Claire Ibbetson (Sylvia Hoeks) who is a very strange character. She refuses to be seen and never goes out in public, and when Virgil meets with her, she is hidden from sight at all times. It appears though that through the years Virgil has been involved in some very shady deals and it this lovely lady may be out for more than it appears.
The right viewer is probably going to love this film. It is excruciatingly slow developing and is done very “artsy”. My problem was that I could not get into the story. The ending was somewhat interesting, but it took a long, long time to get there. Geoffrey Rush was very good as usual, but the story was the problem for me. Now people who love this kind of film won’t be put off by it, but I found it hard to keep my attention. It’s a bit like an old mystery novel that unwraps and peels back layer after layer until you’re surprised to see what you’ve found underneath it all. Personally, I just didn’t really get into the story, and so I didn’t enjoy it very much. Your mileage may vary.
EdG – EdsReview Dot Com – A Movie Review Blog
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Also Known As Pictures, Manis Film, Papagjika Salloway Productions,
Bella Thorne, Frank Grillo, Aaron Tveit, Kyra Sedgwick, François Arnaud

Hazel (Bella Thorne) is a young lady with very severe agoraphobia who hasn’t set foot outside her house in years, living with her mother (Kyra Sedgewick). Finally Hazel has agreed to go to a resort/treamtment center/sanitarium(?) way out in the middle of the desert. The driver is used to these kinds of patients, and has built a sort of cave in the back of the van where she can hide in darkness and hopefully silence in order to survive the journey. At the last minute, Mom decided to come along just in case of problems. Before they arrive at the destination though, some gunmen show up and stop the van out in the desert, and the only way to survive is if Hazel can escape and face her terror and hike out of the desert for help.
This is an unusual movie. This is basically a showpiece for Bella Thorne, and she has to carry the entire movie. It’s a very suspenseful story, though very simple and not overly complex. The condition that Hazel has to deal with is portrayed very expertly by Bella, and I felt she did an outstanding job. She carries the film on her own. Some of the characters are cartoonish, and rather shallow, but Bella is able to carry the weight of the script and character development problems and turn in an outstanding performance. The depiction of her crippling disability makes me finally feel what it must be like to be so terrified of being outside your safe place. The suspense is really edge of your seat stuff, and I really enjoyed this film. On the edge of horror, this is really a suspenseful drama and not quite a horror film, but still I was really frightened as I watched this film. I don’t stream a whole lot of films, but this was one of the ones I have seen lately that impressed me enough for a 4 star review.
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Movie Rentals Releasing Tuesday January 26, 2016
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Huayi Brothers Media, Lakeshore Entertainment, STX Entertainment,
Lauren Cohan, Rupert Evans, Jim Norton, Diana Hardcastle

Greta Evans (Lauren Cohen) is a young American woman hiding out from the abusive ex by taking a job for a few weeks as a nanny for an English family Mr. and Mrs. Heelshire (Jim Norton, Diana Hardcastle). Their son Brahms is an unusual fellow. When he was eight years old there was a terrible fire, and Brahms didn’t make it out, so the family keeps a doll named Brahms as their son, and expects Greta to watch over him while they take a holiday for a few weeks. But Brahms has very specific rules and though Greta’s only assistance comes from the grocery boy Malcom (Rupert Evans), it is soon quickly aware that as she disobeys the rules once the parents are gone, Brahms is very angry. This new horror film was a nail biter.
There were a lot of good movies to see, but due to the trailer, I just had to see this film right away. I was not disappointed. I don’t know why dolls are creepy, but this one as did Chucky and Anabelle before, really gave me the creeps. Filled with never-ending tension and lots of screams, the theater actually applauded this when it was over. On the other hand, we were at an early evening screen that was filled with young teens who were definitely the rudest audience I have seen in a long time. Talking out loud throughout, and going up to the back to make shadows on the screen were just a couple of their annoying pranks. But aside from that (and many thanks to the gentleman who yelled “Shut Up” as loud as he could), I really enjoyed this movie. I’m a horror buff, and I can see where a lot of folks may get turned off by the way things are rather simple, but I felt is was quite creepy. This is Lauren Cohen’s first attempt as the lead in a horror film, and I felt she did a great job. She reminds me a lot of Jamie Lee Curtis way back in the original Halloween with here fresh approach to being first laughing, thinking it’s a joke, to realizing that her life is in danger and this is deadly serious. She fights well, and stand up like a hero instead of letting everyone else rescue her, and she’s tough, yet very charming and sweet. I thought the story was original, with a couple twists along the way that turn things around several times. I enjoyed this one, and regardless of what the critics say, I recommend this one as a great way to scare yourself half to death.
EdG – EdsReview Dot Com – A Movie Review Blog
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