Blumhouse Productions, Entertainment One, FilmDistrict,

Rose Byrne, Patrick Wilson, Barbara Hershey, Lin Shaye, Danielle Bisutti, Michael Beach, Ty Simpkins, Leigh Whannell, Andrew Astor, Steve Coulter

Chapter Two picks up right where the original Insidious left off. Dalton (Ty Simpkins) has been saved, and as we left off, Josh (Patrick Wilson) has been possessed by the evil woman who has been tracking him. We’ll the story continues (with a little bit of flash back) to show us the “rest of the story” and it fills in some big holes left open in the first movie. Not only does it scare the heck out of us, but it fills in a lot of the back story about what really happened in the scary moments of the first film. We’re dealing with some real evil in this film, and there are a couple side stories help to flesh out the entire story. This is the first really chilling horror film of the season!

I was really happy I did a nice thing. AMC offered a special deal, a “Red Door Double Feature” on Thursday at 7PM showing a double feature of both the first Insidious film, and then a 3 hour early screening of Chapter Two. Now I’ve said that the first Insidious was about the scariest film I’ve seen in recent years. Here is my review of Insidious. It was so nice to review the first one, since it was two years ago when this one came out. Watching it right before the premier of Chapter Two had it all refreshed in my mind. This was a big help, as I certainly remembered the first film, but watching it right before the sequel made it very fresh in mind. I loved the way this film, much like Back to the Future 2 did, took us back into the events of the first film and showed us another completely different view. The things that happened in the first movie made little sense, and were unexplained. Now they’re not. Now we know exactly what was happening. We learned more about “The Further”, an area where the recently deceased can go to stay until they are able to move on to “a better place”. We learn a little about a very “Norman Bates” type character who is really evil. We get to see some just desserts for some of the bad guys. I really enjoyed this movie. The characters are really great, especially Lin Shaye as Elise, the psychic who helps them get to The Further, and Barbara Hershey, as Josh’s Mom, Lorraine who is awesome, and explains a lot about Josh’s childhood that sets up the story.

Many critics have blasted this film, with the complaint that it’s not that original and not that scary. I disagree on both arguments. I think the story gives us a lot of richness and background info into the story which is very much appreciated. The first one always has the opportunity to be “fresh” because it’s telling a brand new story. The sequel has the disadvantage of dealing with characters, situation, and background story that we’re already familiar with. But rather than wasting that, they really gave us a richer understanding of the whole story which is great. Also, I think this film was every bit as frightening as the first. There were some really big startling moments, and the sound track is spectacular. But the suspense is also very good. It has a lot of edge of your seat moments, and real terror from the storytelling, not just sudden jumps and loud sounds. It has both, which is really good. I truly enjoyed this movie. If you like horror, this is one you don’t want to miss.

EdG – EdsReview Dot Com – A Movie Review Blog



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Alliance Films, Automatik Entertainment, Blumhouse Productions

Patrick Wilson, Rose Byrne, Ty Simpkins, Lin Shaye, Leigh Whannell, Angus Sampson, Barbara Hershey, Andrew Astor, Heather Tocquigny

A Couple Josh (Patrick Wilson) and his wife Renai (Rose Byrne) have 3 children. They’ve just moved into a new house, but strange things are happening. Their son, Dalton (Ty Simpkins) hears a strange noise in the attic. When he goes to investigate, he falls, it’s just a bump, but shortly later he’s in a coma. The doctors can find no reason, but it’s as if he is not home. But it could be something much more insidious at work, something pure evil.

Insidious is one heck of a horror film. This is definitely one of the best horror films I’ve seen in a long, long time. Sure it depends on loud sounds and sudden flashes to startle you, but it also is a very creepy story. The folks behind this movie are from Saw and Paranormal Activity. They bring the same levels of horror and terror from these films, but it’s a very well crafted film. It has the supernatural tension of Paranormal Activity, but with well edited, beautifully filmed camera work. No shaky handhelds to make you sick. The suspense is awesome, and it builds and builds to the final climax. The acting is excellent. There are a few flaws. The film takes to an astral plane called The Further. This is not very well developed and is underused. It could have been better. But for the most part, everything you would want in a horror film is here. I saw the film in a theater full on teenagers. Two boys sitting near me at one point screamed and tossed a box of popcorn and drinks about 20 feet in the air. The mess landed about 3 rows up. Now that’s a horror film. This movie made me, one who rarely jumps in films likes this fly out of my seat a couple times! If you like the horror genre, it’s hard to find a scarier scary movie than this one! Enjoy!

EdG – EdsReview Dot Com – A Movie Review Blog



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** Santa Buddies (2009)

Walt Disney Home Entertainment, Keystone Entertainment, Santa Buddies Productions

Craig Anton, Andrew Astor, Charisse Baker, Tom Bosley, Field Cate, Tim Conway, Chris Coppola, Josh Flitter, Nico Ghisi, Ben Giroux, Skyler Gisondo, Zachary Gordon, Ryan Grantham, Ellie Harvie, Richard Kind

Santa’s in trouble.  The North Pole Icicle is melting because Christmas spirit is waning.  Santa needs help because it’s gotten so bad that Santa’s reindeer can’t even get off the ground anymore.  But the buddies will help.  Santa Paws recruits the buddies to pull a doggie sleigh and deliver the presents themselves.  But they also need to improve the Christmas spirit as well or Santa is out of business.

George Wendt appears as Santa, and he’s one of the best, but Christopher Lloyd appears as a greedy mean dog catcher who will only place dogs if someone can cough up the $300.00.   Changing him will be the biggest challenge.  This is a kiddie movie, like the other Bud movies.  Adults may find it a little silly and the cgi is really cheesy, but for kids, it’s going to be magic.  Truly, if you need a couple hours peace and quiet,  put the kids in front of the TV and put this on!   Or better yet, watch it with them.  And if you’re a fan of any of the other films, or are a big dog lover, these dogs are really cute and cuddly.  So it’s a harmless cool kiddie film about how the dogs saved Christmas.  Just kick back and enjoy.

EdG – EdsReview Dot Com – A Movie Review Blog



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