Archive for May, 2012

Constantin Film Produktion, Impact Pictures, Nouvelles Éditions de Films (NEF),

Matthew Macfadyen, Milla Jovovich, Logan Lerman, Luke Evans, Ray Stevenson, Gabriella Wilde, Orlando Bloom, Mads Mikkelsen, Christoph Waltz, Juno Temple, Til Schweiger

The Musketeers are old. There’s not much for them to do but to hang around and get in trouble. They have nothing to do with their time. But a young man named D’Artagnan (Logan Lerman) comes to town and picks a fight with each of them and challenges them to a fight in the square. But when the soldiers come to arrest them D’Artangan starts a battle and the Musketeers decide to join in and it’s epic. Deciding to go back to work, then unite to defeat a very beautiful Milady de Winter (Milla Jovovich) and her employer who is trying to seize the French throne and start a war in Europe.

Did the world need another Three (Four) Musketeers story? This has been done over and over. Well, they made it, so naturally I waited for it to come out on DVD before I plunked down $13.00 to see it in the theater. I’m glad I did, as it was pretty underwhelming. However, the actors were good and did a good job with what they were given, and the fight scenes are really well choreographed. It’s very much like dancing with swords. There was a hydrogen flying machine battle that was very well done. The look of the movie is really good too, so it’s not without it’s good parts. But the script is very, very shallow. I felt like it was done just to show off the battle and fight scenes without much effort at all in the dialog department. We seem to go from skirmish to skirmish without any real reason and without learning much about the characters at all. I guess they assume everyone knows the story at this point, but with a little effort on the script, this could have been a decent movie. As it is, it just isn’t up to par. I can’t rate it very highly for this reason alone. However, if you’re a big sword fight fan, or a fan of the Musketeers, you might want to check it out. But as a stand alone film, on it’s on right, it just doesn’t cut it.

EdG – EdsReview Dot Com – A Movie Review Blog



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Author: EdG

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Movie Rentals Releasing Tuesday May 1, 2012

Author: EdG

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