Archive for August, 2012

Indian Paintbrush, Jeff Brothers Productions, Mr. Mudd,

Jason Segal, Ed Helms, Susan Sarandon, Judy Greer, Rae Dawn Chong

Once there were two brothers. Pat (Ed Helms) is the “good” son who is ambitious, hard working, and doing quite well in the business world. Jeff (Jason Segal) on the other hand, is a major screwup. Living in his mother’s basin, he spends all time living in his mother’s basement, and believes that everything happens due to some cosmic cause and effect. His mom is having a birthday and wants only one thing. For her son Jeff to get out of the basement and run a simple errand for her. This is much harder than it ought to be, as wrong number sends Jeff on a wild goose chase looking for the person who was supposed to answer the phone besides him. Meanwhile Pat is sick of his brother’s antics and it seems to be irritating him to no end. His world seems to be coming apart as he seems to have caught his wife in a compromising situation, but when the brothers and Mom and the “girls” are all present at a catastrophic event, perhaps Jeff’s weird beliefs aren’t so weird after all. Is this his destiny after all?

This is one of those weird, off the wall films. Kind of reminiscent of Dumb and Dumber, this film shows that TV actors can turn out a pretty decent comedy film too. Ed Helms (The Office), Jason Segal (How I Met Your Mother) and Judy Greer (Mad Love, Two and a Half Men) are all in active TV roles, but all do an outstanding job in this very quirky comedy. It’s a very strange story, but is decently funny. It’s not an award winning script, but it’s still well done with what they have here. Nothing ends up like you’d expect, and the smart one isn’t a smart as everyone thinks he is, and the dumb one isn’t near as stupid as everyone thinks. It’s a little bit a romance with a moderate amount of comedy mixed with a bit of heartwarming stuff, and what we end up with is a decent little B film that was off everyone’s radar. This is not a great movie, but one that you probably missed and a very decent rental! Well worth checking out.

EdG – EdsReview Dot Com – A Movie Review Blog



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Author: EdG

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National Geographic,

Jeremy Irons

As the film opens an African lioness named Ma di Tau and her cubs flee a deadly fire, only to find themselves cut off from the rest of the pride. They have to find a way to survive in a situation they were never supposed to face as Ma di Tau tries to find a way to hunt to feed her starving cubs while dealing with unusual conditions that she doesn’t understand and knowing the fact that if she fails, none of them will survive. This exciting documentary is the work of a husband and wife award winning filmmaking team, Dereck and Beverly Joubert. Jeremy Irons narrates.

This is a National Geographic film, so you know it’s got to be really good quality. They obviously have an agenda, as the lions and other Big Cats are at risk of extinction. This is mostly due to poaching, but other issues threaten them. But though it could get all up in our face with the agenda, instead it takes the high road and lets these incredibly beautiful animals tell their own story. This is a very beautiful documentary, and is very well done. Jeremy Irons reminds that that other voices than Morgan Freeman or James Earl Jones can narrate a film. Jeremy does an outstanding job. All in all, this is as exciting as any scripted drama could be, and will bring us memories of the Disney Tru-Life Adventures of old with modern technology to bring us stunning pictures, especially in the original IMAX version of this film. Very well done, and an excellent story of survival in a harsh environment. Good film.

EdG – EdsReview Dot Com – A Movie Review Blog



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Author: EdG

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Movie Rentals Releasing Tuesday August 7, 2012

Author: EdG

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Ed is out of commission!!!!


When it rains, it pours. I’ve lost equipment right and left including a disk drive that will no longer boot. A backup drive which stopped working the night before. I have backups of all my files, but I need to get them back into a place where I can work on them, but there’s more. Work is crazy busy. My company provided me with a fax blast to complete to 13,500 people. I have guests coming and we’re remodeling most of the second floor, from bedrooms to bathroom, to the little office where I spend my days and nights.

Add to that severe headaches (probably lack of sleep) and horrible back pain, and I’m walking around looking like Quasimodo. Meanwhile I can’t even talk about Dark Night Rises cause I haven’t been to the theater in weeks. Give me a few days to recover, and I’ll have 2 new computers and all my stuff restored, and we’ll be back on track to hit 1000 reviews very soon.

Bear with me and if you are hurting for reviews, here is the the archives page!!!!

Take care!


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Author: EdG

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