Archive for July, 2013

Plan B Entertainment, Apparatus Productions, GK Films,

Brad Pitt, Mireille Enos, Matthew Fox, Eric Weston, David Morse, James Badge Dale, Elyes Gabel, David Andrews, Michiel Huisman, Julian Seager

Gerry Lane (Brad Pitt) is a former UN agent, trained in handling the most dangerous situations, but he’s retired now and taking care of his family. But on a family outing, all hell breaks loose as a zombie attack in in full force. The government has concluded that it could be a virus and that it is spreading rapidly all over the world, so the force Gerry back into service to try to assist in finding the root of the disease, or at least to help find a cure. He heads out on a world wide jaunt leaving his family alone while he tries to find the secret to this dreadful plague that could destroy the earth.

This is a pretty decent film. A lot of the summer blockbusters of 2013 have been rather bland and the audiences have ignored them in many cases, and this one seems to have the same fate. There’s no doubt that this is a vehicle for Brad Pitt, and really nobody else. It’s essentially a one man film, and he has to carry it on his back from start to finish. But this guy is one hell of an actor, and he pulls this off pretty well. There’s a ton of action in this film, and it’s definitely edge of your seat entertainment all the way through. Don’t expect to be challenged too much by the intellect, as it’s a pretty simple solution, but getting there is a rollercoaster ride of epic proportions. These zombies are fast, and the bite of one of these zombies infects you really fast. Not time to die and then get up again. When you change, you change in a heartbeat. (No pun intended there).

I had a couple problems with this film. We went to AMC and it was almost time for this film so we were considering waiting for the next showing, but the gal in the ticket window told us that the theater was 46% empty. Hmm. That seems like barely half full to me. When we walked in, everything was filled up and there could have been no less than 10 seats left, and all were single seats. The entire front was full as well except for about 3 or 4 seats on the side of the front row. That put us within touching distance of the screen, as there was no space between the front row and the screen. IF that wasn’t bad enough, the sound there was horrible. The speakers crackled and it was garbled as heck. This is probably because we were so close, but that made it very difficult to understand most of the dialog, And what’s more, the theater was HOT. With a full house like that, it was very warm in there, and I sweated through the whole film. The concession stand was completely out of ice, and it was fairly miserable. But even with all this, the film was still very good. I enjoyed the action and the suspense, and it was a really good (even if a little far fetched) story. I recommend World War Z if you’re looking for an explosive action film. There’s wall to wall excitement.

EdG – EdsReview Dot Com – A Movie Review Blog



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