Hallmark Entertainment, Mid Atlantic Films

Kelsey Grammer, Jesse L. Martin, Jane Krakowski, Jason Alexander,Jennifer Love Hewitt, Geraldine Chapman, Patrick David, Steven Miller, Emily Deamer, Julian Ovenden, Joseph Tremain

Kelsey Grammer makes an excellent Ebenezer.  This is a made for TV musical version of A Christmas Carol which is spot on and delightful.  It follows the story very closely but adds music which compliments the story nicely.  They play it very seriously here, and really show Ebenezer how he got to where he is, and what it is doing to him.   This is one of the best versions ever of the most filmed story in history.

The costumes are excellent, and the casting is wonderful. The sets are super.  I thought Jennifer Love Hewitt was an odd choice for Emily (young Scrooge’s love interest), but she is lovely.  She’s got a head full of curls ala Shirley Temple 🙂 and sings wonderfully.  I am not sure why any of the songs here are not more recognizable, but that is part of the charm.

One excellent scene shows young Scrooge proposing to Emily and in the background is old Scrooge watching the tender moment realizing for the first time what he lost.  They sing a lovely duet, and old Scrooge can’t help joining in on the song and it makes for one of the loveliest moments of the film.

This is one of the best versions around.

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** A Christmas Carol: The Musical (2004), 3.0 out of 5 based on 1 rating

1 Comment so far »


    Brade said

    December 2 2011 @ 4:32 am

    I almost concur with all of your thoughts you said inside your review. Thank you very much.

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