Chesler/Perlmutter Productions

Shannon Elizabeth, Steve Byers, Julia Lalonde, Kyle Harrison Breitkopf

Nikki (Shannon Elizabeth) is a pop star! But she’s also a small town girl. Sophie (Julia Lalonde) is a young girl who lives with her Dad. They lost their Mom three years before in a traffic accident. Sophie’s Dad, Chris (Steve Byers) has thrown himself into his work and neglecting everything else. Sophie knows he’s really sad, and when she finds out that Nikki was once Chris’ high school sweetheart, she puts in movement a plan to get them back in touch with each other.

This cute little Christmas film is pure Christmas romance. It’s a touching story and very well performed. The story is a typical romance. Problems plague these two from the start and they have to work through it all. The Christmas part hardly matters other than Nikki has a last chance to keep her career alive with a Christmas Album, but this story could really happy any time of the year. But since this is a 2013 premier Christmas movie, it’s set around the Christmas season and they manage to bring it in pretty well. Certainly not one of my favorite Christmas movies, it’s pretty sweet and simple. Good enough for a Christmas TV movie, if you’re up for a good romance, here’s one you haven’t seen before.

[Click here for the official Hallmark Channel page for this movie.]

EdG – EdsReview Dot Com – A Movie Review Blog



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