George Canyon, Amy Jo Johnson, Britt McKillip, Carly McKillip, Ben Hollingsworth

Two sisters have been estranged since one sister ran out on the other sister’s wedding. But now Mom and Dad are having some problems, so they try to make amends. It’s their dream to have Christmas again in their childhood home, but the problem is that someone else lives there now.

This is a touching Christmas film with an emphasis on family. This is a rich story which is somewhat unusual in the typical Christmas on TV story. The two sisters had a falling out, but we don’t really know why, other than one sister walked out on the other sister’s wedding. As we get to know the reasons, it shows how misunderstandings can go on for years. When they get back together, it’s to help out their parents, but the main story is between the sisters. This is a well done holiday story, and well worth watching. The story is well constructed, and the characters are very well developed. It’s a nice little story, in the spirit of the holidays.

EdG – EdsReview Dot Com – A Movie Review Blog



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