Every year a few new Christmas films appear on TV and a slew of others are repeated year after year after year.   These show up on cable channels such as Hallmark, or LifeTime or ABC Family, and make the holidays ring.

One year I was home sick in December and started watching every Christmas movie that I could find.   Then DVR came along, and now I make it a holiday tradition to watch as many of these once_a_year Christmas films that I can.

I have decided this year as a gift to our followers to do ratings on as many of the Christmas movies as I can and add them to the list.   These movies will be listed with two snowflakes (**) in the title and are typically NOT feature films, but made for TV stories, many of which are available on DVD, but many that are only shown on TV.  These reviews will be shorter and to the point.  They will not have all the bells and whistles of normal posts.

If you get a chance to watch or record some of these films, hopefully these little reviews will help you to decide which ones are worth watching!

I will begin submitting these reviews in batches on every even day from now until Christmas.   I know there are a lot, but this is a special project that we’ll only do this once.

Enjoy, and Merry Christmas from  EDSREVIEW.COM!!

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** EDS CHRISTMAS ON TV PROJECT **, 3.5 out of 5 based on 2 ratings

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