
Erin Krakow, Niall Matter, Wendie Malick, Michael Kopsa, P. Lynn Johnson, Aliyah O’Brien, Nevis Unipan,

Last year’s premier of Finding Father Christmas [Click here for Ed’s Review] brought us the story of Miranda who lost her Mother at Christmas, and spent the last film looking for her father who turned out to be a famous actor. Miranda met his family, and spent last Christmas visiting with them. It was a lovely story. A year has passed, and Engaging Father Christmas brings us right back to where we left off with Miranda spending another holiday with her secret father’s family, but the man she met last year has decided to propose to her. But a sinister plot that might reveal the name of her famous father sending scandal to the family who took her in may ruin everything unless Miranda and her fiance Ian (Niall Matter) are able to figure out who is behind the reveal of her secret, and try to stop him to protect her new found family who have been so kind to her.

Last year’s film was one of the highlights of the season and a great Christmas movie. This year’s sequel is like a welcome friend since we know the background and the characters from the previous film, and they were so likeable. This is probably not as good as the first film, and it’s a little bit contrived, to be honest, but it is nice to visit the friends from last film. Nobody is quite that upset about a star having an affair in this day and age, but it is a small town in Vermont and he is revered there. Wendie Malik reprises her role as the widowed wife of James Whitcomb, Miranda’s famous father. She is excellent and certainly very charming as the lady of the house. all in all this is a pleasant continuation of the first film. I enjoyed it very much.

EdG – EdsReview Dot Com – A Movie Review Blog



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