John Cusack, Clark Duke, Craig Robinson, Rob Corddry, Sebatian Stan, Lyndsy Fonseca, Crispin Glover, Chevy Chase

This is one of the most monumental films of all time!!!  Ok, no it’s not.

Hot Tub Time Machine is Back to the Future for the rest of us.  I am a sucker for time travel movies, and this one is for the common folk.  These guys are a total mess, and a series of freak happening fueled by vodka and energy drinks sends them back in time.  Not to an interesting time, mind you, but to the 80’s, of all places in time.   But it was a pivotal time in their loser lives, and they have a chance to fix things.  Ah, but no matter what, you just can’t seeem to change the future.  That’s the classic paradox of time travel.  I catorgize this as raunch comedy, and did not check the Science Fiction category because the time travel element is really silly.  This is a vulgar comedy, not a serious movie.  But that’s ok.

So one guy is going to get stuck in the eye with a fork, and another is going to get beat up again and again by the same bully.  But Craig Robinson (Darryl from “The Office” has some fun with his role.  Trying to be faithful to his shrew of a wife back before he even met her is hysterical, and his angry phone call to her when she was 9 years old is really funny.

This is sophmoric, and crude, and really funny in parts.  It wasn’t too bad.  It’s not going to be a very thoughtful or thought provoking movie, but it’s great beer and popcorn, have a few laughs, evening.  It’s a decent rental, but I’m glad I didn’t spend $13.00 to see it.  It’s a good small screen movie, especially if you’re a fan of the 80’s.

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