1984 Private Defense Contractors, Cross Creek Pictures, Da Vinci Media Ventures,

Liam Neeson, Dan Stevens, David Harbour, Boyd Holbrook

Matt Scudder (Liam Neeson) is a former NYPD cop and a recovering alcoholic. One of his AA buddies asks him to help out a friend who is in the middle of a kidnapping and not anxious to call the police. Scudder finds out he’s a high powered drug lord and he refuses to help but when the guy shows up to tell him the “rest of the story” it seems he paid the ransom, and did everything right, but they murdered her anyway in an extremely horrible way. Scudder figures they’ve done this before, so he sets out to find out who is behind these kidnappings and murders and decides to try to rescue their latest victim before they have a chance to kill her.

Typical Liam Neeson high suspense, gory, high adventure film. He’s the Liam Neeson action hero that he’s played lately in all the Takens. This is another one, but the thing I liked most about this film is that it’s a straight forward action crime story without all the subtle nuances, back stories, complicated characters and all over the world settings. It’s a simple straight forward ex-cop drama. As I mentioned a while ago in my Taken 3 review, I am really getting to like the action hero Liam Neeson as much, if not more than all his other types of characters. He’s really good in this one, and his cast is also very good. It’s truly a one man show, but he has some great adversaries that bring a lot to the story. Although there’s a bit of nudity, and some very gory fight scenes, this in not a good choice for the younger folks, but for the adult viewer, it’s a really good crime drama that will keep you on the edge of your seat.

EdG – EdsReview Dot Com – A Movie Review Blog



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