Route One Films, Wildwood Enterprises,
Robert Redford, Nick Nolte, Emma Thompson, Kristen Schaal, Nick Offerman, Mary Steenburgen
Bill Bryson (Robert Redford) is a writer who has spent the last 20 years living in England. Now that he’s back in America, after a sudden unexpected death, he decides that the way to reconnect with his homeland is to walk the entire Appalachian Trail from Georgia to Maine. His wife, Catherine (Emma Thompson) is appalled at the idea, and figures he will die out there, if not eaten by a bear, then by falling off the trail, or some other disaster. She decides to let him do it, if he must, but certainly not alone. Bill starts calling everyone he knows, but everyone seems to agree with his wife, that it’s too much, and they’re too old. When he gets a call from a long estranged friend from his youth, Stephen Katz (Nick Nolte) who really wants to do it with him, he decides that though Stephen can be really a pain some of the time, that it’s his only option. so the two gear up and set off on an amazing journey.
This was a very exciting film. I must admit, I’ve not been a Robert Redford fan as of late, and I’ve been bored silly by some of his stuff lately. This, on the other hand, was a really good movie. Not only is the scenery along the Appalachian Trail completely breathtaking, the story ain’t half bad either. Nick Nolte brings in a lot of humor to the mix, and they end up sort of an Abbott and Costello sort of team, or perhaps Martin and Lewis. Nolte is a crack-up here and really adds a lot to the story. There are some ridiculous scenes that are really a joy to watch. When the guys slide down off the cliff and get stranded on a ledge, they think it’s about over until Nolte’s character comes up with an idea to use their pants as a way to pull themselves up the cliff. Of course that fails, and the two are stranded sans pants on the ledge until morning. It’s almost slapstick, but done with such good-nature and fun that it’s really likely to make you laugh. All in all this is a worthwhile film with lots to leave you thinking about. Not only is a good look at nature and what we miss when we live our life in a cubicle every day, but it also shows us how reconnecting with the land is a good thing. There’s a lot going on here, and a lot to enjoy. Please give this one a chance.
EdG – EdsReview Dot Com – A Movie Review Blog