Warner Bros. Pictures, Morra, Brezner, Steinberg and Tenenbaum Entertainment (MBST), BenderSpink

Russell Brand, Jennifer Garner, Helen Mirren, Nick Nolte, Greta Gerwig, Luis Guzmán, Geraldine James, Leslie Hendrix, Anna Kuchma

Updating and remaking the 1981 comedy classic starring Dudley Moore, this romantic comedy shows us the problems faced by Arthur Bach (Russell Brand). Arthur is a lovable lush, and rich beyond wildest dreams and enjoys a life of alcohol and women, and childish games with his Nanny (Helen Mirren). He is faced with an ultimatum whether to give up an inheritance of millions for the sake of romance or to marry the golddigger Susan Johnson, (Jennifer Garner) a gorgeous socialite that Arthur’s mother has chosen for him to make him respectable. Arthur is OK with that until he meets Naomi (Greta Gerwig), the girl who steals Arthur’s heart in the meantime.

Russell Brand did an excellent job of bringing Dudley Moore’s Arthur into the 21st Century. I must admit, I didn’t think this could hold a candle to the original film, but it was rather good. It made me forget the original and stop comparing it, and just enjoying the antics and foolishness that Brand was able to pull off so well. He’s been groomed for this role by his other airhead druggie roles that he’s mastered, and gave Arthur 100%. It’s hard to hate Jennifer Garner, but she plays the spoiled brat who is only after Arthur’s company and couldn’t care less about him. And Greta plays a charming Naomi who must teach Arthur respectability for the right reasons. It hit all the right notes and was a totally charming film, well worth the effort to bring Arthur to a whole new generation. I think the did a splendid job, and one of the finest characters in the film is New York City in itself. The city was beautiful and charming, and truly was another part of the cast. I don’t think this film could be shot anywhere else.

This is a really good update to the original and I highly recommend it.

EdG – EdsReview Dot Com – A Movie Review Blog



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