Green Moon, Nu Boyana Viburno,

Antonio Banderas, Melanie Griffith, Dylan McDermott, Robert Forster

Jacq Vaucan (Antonio Banderas) is a futuristic insurance adjuster who works for the robot company checking out claims of bad behavior of his company’s robots. But as he notices some strange happenings, he realizes something really big is happening, and when he’s captured, the authorities think he’s gone rogue, but he’s really trying to get to the bottom of a problem that could jeopardize all of mankind.

This is a really had movie for me to review. On some counts, the story can turn a little boring and slow, and Antonio Banderas is perhaps not the most animated action star, but on the other hand, he does a pretty decent job of playing this guy’s role. He’s the reluctant hero in the story. There are many parts that are very interesting, and the suspense builds appropriately, and the ending is probably not what you’d expect. Just as soon as you figure out who the bad guy is, your choice is taken away. As he solves the mystery bit by bit, we get impatient along with him wanting to figure it out too. All in all it’s a little cerebral, and a bit of a thinking movie. Nowhere near the great Sci-Fi thrillers with enormous budgets, but yet a decent little thriller. I found, in the end, that I did enjoy the story, and even though as I went through it, I thought I wasn’t liking it, by the end I came to realize that I really did enjoy it. If you’re a fan of science fiction and like the futuristic world domination genre of sci-fi, then you can do a lot worse than this movie. I think sci-fi fans are goingt to really like it. I did.

EdG – EdsReview Dot Com – A Movie Review Blog



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