Columbia Pictures, Mosaic Media Group

Cameron Diaz, Lucy Punch, Jason Segel, Justin Timberlake, Phyllis Smith, John Michael Higgins, Dave Allen, Jillian Armenante, Matthew J. Evans

Elizabeth Halsey is a gold digger! She has a boy toy who she uses for his huge credit limits and lavish presents. Finally he is fed up with her, and just before their engagement, she quits her job as a unimpressive teacher to finally live the good life only to find out that he’s dumping her. Now she’ll have to go back to work. There is a handsome substitute teacher who comes from a wealthy family, so naturally she gravitates to him, (Justin Timberlake) but she has a bit of competition, a very enthusiastic teacher named Amy Squirrel (Lucy Punch). Not only that, but the P.E. Teacher Jason Segel) is stalking her no matter what.

This is a cute little romantic comedy, very much like the movies “Bad Santa” or “Mr Woodcock” from a few years back. Cameron Diaz is pretty good as a flaky blonde gold digger who wants to step over anybody to get her way. This is not a unique story in the least. So you’ve seen it before, certainly, which is why it’s not kicking butt in the theaters. But still there are some unique funny parts that make it fun to watch. It’s hardly worth plunking down $12.00 to see it in the theater with all the blockbusters out this summer, but as soon as cool weather rolls around, it’ll be out on DVD and well worth watching. Lucy Punch is fantastic as Miss. Do Right, queen of nice, Miss Gung Ho, and the best teacher in the state, and she gets down and dirty when she has to fight the Queen of Mean head to head. One unique thing about this film is that it doesn’t slap you in the head with a moral. The nasty bitch wins and, just like real life, gets what she wants after all. The other characters are very funny as well. Phyllis Smith from The Office is perfectly cast as a teacher who wants to be bad, but just can’t be. She envies Elizabeth, but just can’t pull it off. Jason Segel is pretty much wasted in this movie, but it must have been fun for him to play, as he didn’t have to stretch much to play the nice guy P.E. teacher who’s just happy with life.

Not recommended for full price, but great as a $6.00 matinee or as a DVD rental, Bad Teacher is a friendly movie that will make you laugh without having to think too hard. But it’s not breaking any new ground, so it will seem awfully familiar.

EdG – EdsReview Dot Com – A Movie Review Blog



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    Ed's Review Dot Com » This Week on DVD – 10/18/2011 said

    October 20 2011 @ 10:58 pm

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