Ruckus Films,

Marshall Allman, Claire Holt, Tania Raymonde, Justin Welborn, Eric Lange, Jason Marsden

Don Miller (Marshall Allman) was raised to be very religious. As he’s ready to leave home and head off for college, he learns that his Mom has had an affair with the youth pastor that Don has been working with, so Don has a crisis of faith and decides to blow the whole religion thing off and heads to Oregon to the most liberal and godless college he can find. With raucous parties and wild times, Don tries to get far away from his upbringing, blow off some steam, and avoid dealing with the issues in his life, but he finds that there must be somewhere in the middle, somehow. Don is pretty lost and struggling to find his own way.

I didn’t enjoy this movie very much, but perhaps not for the reasons you would think. This is an indie film, and pushes the evils of “organized religion” pretty hard, but though that will bother those who don’t feel this way, that is not my complaint. Mostly the depiction of college life is pretty far off base. Granted, there may be a college out there that is this far out, but in my heart I don’t think so. I think this is a comic exaggeration to the point that it’s no longer even realistic. The whole movie is really absurd and unbelievable. I didn’t get the point, and the whole thing just seemed just a little silly to me.

Basically I can’t really recommend this film. I just felt there wasn’t enough going on to keep my interest. I think most will just find this film dull and therefore I say skip it.

EdG – EdsReview Dot Com – A Movie Review Blog



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