Happy Madison Productions, Miles Deep Productions,

Nick Swardson, Christina Ricci, Don Johnson, Stephen Dorff, Ido Mosseri, Kevin Nealon, Edward Herrmann, Miriam Flynn, Mario Joyner, Tyler Spindel

This silly little movie is the story of Bucky Larson, a small town, very naive virginal kid who accidentally finds a video of his parents who were secretly big name porn stars in the 1970’s. Instead of being appalled, Bucky decides it is his destiny to be a porn star too, so he heads for California, only to find out that his unusual talent is his lack of physical prowess. No one wants to talk to him, but he becomes a huge YouTube sensation for his ability to make any man feel “hugely” successful in the love department. A ruthless washed up porn producer tries to exploit Bucky to make him the next big porn start.

This “Happy Madison” film contains a lot of cameos of famous folk. A lot of stars show up here and there. Basically I bypassed this film for a long, long time because I expected it to be very, very stupid. Well, it was stupid, but a lot funnier than I could have ever expected. I truly cracked up a dozen times through this film. No, this isn’t classic cinema. It’s got a lot of good actors though playing camp to the peak, and doing a great job. Everyone has an angle, and it’s funny to see them all competing with each other to try to scam the other. This reminds me of a film like “Cannonball Run” where everyone’s out to beat the other at their own game. The subject matter is tongue in cheek, and not really taking things seriously, but it’s adult themed and not really for younger folk. But if you want to enjoy some Adam Sandler style humor, this is a pretty funny little film.

EdG – EdsReview Dot Com – A Movie Review Blog



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1 Comment so far »


    Gil said

    September 17 2012 @ 10:48 pm

    Thank you for reviewing Bucky Larson, Ed. Some of my DISH coworkers and I have a weekly contest to see who can find the best/worst B movies in the streaming Blockbuster @Home section on my Hopper. I will be starting things off this weekend and I a pretty sure Bucky Larson is just bad enough to win.

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