
Sterling Beaumon, Raleigh Holmes, Lori Loughlin, Paul James, Morgan Bertsch, Steve Crest

The Gates family are moving into their dream house after it comes on the market. But strange things immediately start to happen as the former owner of the house is hiding in the attic. But he’s looking to take back the house and make the Gates children his own, and he’ll kill anyone who gets in his way. This is a very creepy horror thriller loaded with suspense.

There are a whole bunch of movies out there with Crawlspace in the title. The easiest way to find this one is to note that Lori Loughlin is in this one. We remember Lori from her role as Uncle Jesse’s wife in Full House, and she if a familiar face, but she doesn’t seem to be totally into this film. Her performance is pretty flat and her expression pretty much stays the same throughout. Dad isn’t much better. This has a Lifetime feel to it, and I almost was convinced that it was a made for TV film, except that I can’t find any indication that it was. So don’t expect excellent Hollywood style film work here, but I must admit I found myself drawn into this story. I don’t know what it is, perhaps the fact that I have raised a family and been a homeowner most of my life. I can see how this kind of thing can happen. Whatever the reason, I did find myself invested in the story, and this is a good thing. If you happen to catch this one, I think it’s well worth turning it on and watching it just for the intensity of the story.

EdG – EdsReview Dot Com – A Movie Review Blog



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