Morning Dew Entertainment

Catherine Thompson, Nathan Mitchell, Patricia Place, Rick Macy, Tayva Patch, Katherine Nelson

One of the finest stories of Joseph Smith and the founding of the Church of Jesus Christ of Latter-Day Saints, this is the story of Emma Hale Smith, Joseph’s wife.  It begins with an elderly Emma talking with her daughter and reminiscing on her amazing life.  It goes into a flashback of Emma of a small child with a strong faith with an unbelieving father who forbid prayer in his home.  But that did not stop Emma.  She met Joseph and they married without her father’s blessing after giving up on ever winning him over.  Emma’s Story shows that she was certainly a strong woman, who had a lot to deal with in her life filled with joy and tragedy, heartbreak and love.  It covers the translating of the gold plates through the hard days in Pennsylvania, Ohio, New York, and Missouri.

Very fairly portrayed, with doubts and flaws as well as triumphs, it is a great story.  It’s nice to see it all through Emma’s eyes.  Certainly she didn’t always know all the plans and schemes, but she was a strong supporter and a muse and guide to her husband.  She sure had to put up with a lot.

This certainly is a great story and a strong inspiring American tale of a difficult time in the history of the Unites States.  It’s a very good story, even if you know nothing of the LDS history.  Certainly above all, it’s a love story.  There is no doubt Joseph would never have been able to accomplish what he did without Emma by his side until the end.

EdG – EdsReview Dot Com – A Movie Review Blog



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