Park Ex Pictures,

Jay Baruchel, Scott Speedman, Emily Hampshire, Anne-Marie Cadieux, Diane D’Aquila, Xavier Dolan

There is an old apartment complex in Montreal filled with an interesting cast of characters. But there is a serial killer on the loose an nobody trusts anyone. There are no clue as to who the killer is. Waitress Louise (Emily Hampshire) and widower Spencer (Scott Speedman) bond with new resident Victor (Jay Baruchel). This could be the most unusual triangle in history, and they could be in big trouble if they don’t figure out who the killer really is.

This is a NetFlix “Watch Instantly” film, but I happened to catch it on Cinemax. It sounded like a pretty good suspenseful thriller with a touch of horror. It was a huge disappointment. The story was really pretty weak. Not even close to the worst film, I’ve ever seen, but it really wasn’t that good. The characters were all pretty nuts, and try as I might I wasn’t really interested in what happened to any of them. In fact, by the end I was wishing the killer would kill all of them off. In fact, if the killer is actually one of the three, I was hoping for a murder-suicide, but all in vain. Basically when it was over, it was just over. There was no excitement, little suspense, and no real point to it all.

EdG – EdsReview Dot Com – A Movie Review Blog



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