Gather Films, Picturesque Films,

Adrian Grenier, Gaby Hoffmann, Ben McKenzie, Mark Webber, Kerry Bishé, Caroline Dhavernas, Kid Cudi, Remy Nozik

When a viral text message infects computers all over the world, disabling the power grids and causing havoc worldwide, a group of friends gather at a remote cabin where their friends, a couple who live completely off the grid, are living. As things grow worse and worse in the civilized world, they’re doing really well until the problems that they faced in their separate relationships rear their ugly heads as things start to fall apart in their utopian home.

This is a unique film. A lot of people didn’t like it, and I think that is mostly because they didn’t get what they were looking for. Though the background of this little movie is about the end of the world, per se, this is not the focus of the movie. Very little is spent on that topic at all. This is because the focus of the film is on the personal relationships of the characters of the film. It’s more of a character study than a look into the apocalypse. In that respect, it’s a very well done movie. The major problems of life are represented, Greed, thirst for power, jealousy, and so forth are what brings these folks down. They have enough supplies to last them, but are falling apart due to the petty trials of their own lives. The folks who were looking for an exciting and thrilling end of the world would find themselves disappointed. But if you go into it with a clear understanding of what it is and what it isn’t and it’s not a bad film at all.

EdG – EdsReview Dot Com – A Movie Review Blog



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