Warner Bros., Esperanto Filmoj, Heyday Films,

Sandra Bullock, George Clooney

Dr Ryan Stone (Sandra Bullock) is a medical engineer who has signed on to the space program to continue her work when her grant was cut. She is partnered with Matt Kowalski (George Clooney) who is an old timer, with lots of experience as an astronaut, and an attitude to boot. Alone with a third engineer, they are working to repair an experiment on the Hubbel Space Telescope when they are struck by space debris and knocked free of the satellite and flying untethered freely through space.

This is an absolutely stunning movie. One of the reviewers said that anyone could have played the roles of Ryan and Matt and it would still be a great movie. That was my thoughts exactly too, as I watched this film in 3D. But we’re lucky that they spent the money to get Sandra Bullock and George Clooney, since that only makes it even better. But there is absolutely no arguing that the view is the absolute star of this film. There’s a lot of suspense, and, frankly speaking, some far out ideas of how to move the plot forward, which is all well and good, but it’s certainly the views of the various space vehicles, sunrise and sunset from space, and the views of the Earth that are stunningly beautiful. I was blown away by the simplicity and the beauty of this movie, and it was a surreal experience to see it on a big screen in 3-D.

I remember as a small boy, sitting in the Buhl Planetarium on the North Side of Pittsburgh, watching the stars projected on the screen way above our heads. This was a memory that has stayed with me for 50 years. This film is the same kind of feeling. You don’t have to keep up with the dialog, as there isn’t a lot. Mostly poor Ryan talking to herself to keep her sanity. When Matt asks her what she likes the most about her first trip into space, her reply is simply, “The Silence”. The absolute silence of outer space is awesome. But simple scenes of these two flying across the sky with billions of stars in the sky is simply breath taking. This is certainly a special experience, and one that I’m really glad I didn’t miss. I really loved it, and will not soon forget the feeling of seeing this on a big screen in spectacular 3D. I would highly recommend watching this on a big screen if at all possible. It was a wonderful film.

EdG – EdsReview Dot Com – A Movie Review Blog



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