Paramount Vantage, Indian Paintbrush, Super Crispy Entertainment

Felicity Jones, Anton Yelchin, Jennifer Lawrence, Charlie Bewley, Alex Kingston, Oliver Muirhead, Finola Hughes, Chris Messina, Ben York Jones, Jamie Thomas King, Keeley Hazell, Natalie Blair, Edurne Ganem

British Student Anna (Felicity Jones) meets and falls in love instantly with Jacob (Anton Yelchin) in an Los Angeles college, but when school is over, Anna can’t bear to leave, so she stays on for the summer, overstaying her Visa. But when she comes home to England, she finds that she’s banned from coming back due to her discretion. This puts the whole Atlantic between them as the try to keep their love alive, only seeing each other for the moments when Jacob can manage to cross over to England to visit. While battling immigration, they have to decide whether the love they have for each other is worth the effort tearing them apart.

This is a romantic film, but many people don’t get it because it isn’t cut and cliched like many contemporary films are. This is more realistic, and everything’s not always so pretty when exposed to the light. It’s slower than usual, but that gives them time to develop the characters and sub characters a great deal, and that’s an advantage. It’s a slow, independent type of film, but for what it’s worth, that seems to work. It’s an interesting relationship, and it’s not really boring if you get to know the characters. The ending is the weakest thing, It leaves you a little let down perhaps, but life often does I suppose. All in all, I thought it was pretty well put together, well acted, and if you’re into romance stories with more than usual character development, a strong leading lady, and plenty of romance, then this is not a bad film at all. It won’t be fore everyone, but it’s pretty darn good for most of us. I can recommend this for one of those out of the way films that is worth the watch.

EdG – EdsReview Dot Com – A Movie Review Blog



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