Downes Brothers Entertainment, Lucky Crow Films

Mira Sorvino, Barry Pepper, Cole Hauser, Kate Levering, Maxwell Perry Cotton, L. Scott Caldwell, Abby Brammell, Kirk B.R. Woller, Brett Rice, Brooke Bryan

Wendy Porter (Mira Sorvino) and Rip Porter (Barry Pepper) are quite a couple. Rip is an alcoholic and beat his wife severely, got arrested and went to prison. While there he sobered up and says he’s a new man. When he got home he found out that his wife was pregnant and adopted the baby out to a very upscale and well off family the Campbells (Cole Hauser, Kate Levering) who love and care for him. The Porters file a lawsuit to get their child back based upon fraudulent adoption papers that were forged by Rip’s Mom, a serious crime in itself. This sends both families in a great deal of turmoil as it appears the Porters just might win based upon previous case law. The film takes a poignant look at what it means to be a family and what it takes to be a parent. Both families make a few serious mistakes as anger and rage supersede logic and wisdom sometimes.

This is a touching film which has a lot of heart. Both families want the boy very badly and are willing to do just about anything to have him. Meanwhile the poor child is torn between two families. This film takes you into the hearts and lives of each of the characters and it is easy to understand how each and every one loves the child in different ways. Likewise we get a good look into the life of a social worker who has to enforce the judges rule whether it’s right or not. It must be heartbreaking to try to do this very important job in a way that you can still live with yourself. All in all, this is as uplifting as it is heartbreaking and a really good “lifetime” style movie with a decent budget and some great actors. Mira Sorvino as the tortured Mrs. Porter is wonderful. All in all, this is an excellent look into family life that exposes the good and the bad. They don’t try to take sides here. There is not a hero and a villain. There are just human beings trying to do the best they can with the roll of the dice. This is a very heart wrenching experience and very worth the time to watch. It’s pure drama. There are no jokes being told here.

EdG – EdsReview Dot Com – A Movie Review Blog



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Movie Review - Like Dandelion Dust (2009) {PG-13}, 4.0 out of 5 based on 1 rating

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