Film4, Blueprint Pictures, British Film Institute (BFI)

Colin Farrell, Sam Rockwell, Woody Harrelson, Christopher Walken, Abbie Comish, Tom Waits, Olga Kuylenko, Michael Pitt, Zeljko Ivanek, Gabourey Sidibe, Kevin Corrigan

Marty (Colin Farrell) is a screen writer. He’s busy working on a silly script for a movie called Seven Psychopaths, a story of seven crazy serial killers. But he wants it to be about love and peace, and not so much about killing. He has a bunch of kooky friends who are concerned about the progress and want to assist, but one of them steals the Shih Tzu who is loved more than anything by the gangster who own him, and he’ll do anything in the world to get it back. Marty gets pulled into the Los Angeles criminal underworld as his friends try to help, but just get things turning worse and worse.

This is one of those really silly movies, that is funny, but in a ridiculous way. Like Airplane perhaps, or any of the Naked Gun or Police Academy movies, these guys are just really stupid, but somehow it is funny throughout. They take absurd conclusions and then do stupid actions to promote their mistaken conclusions in the first place. Woody Harrelson as the gangster is silly enough, but then he has no problems with anything you do to him or his guys, but he prizes his dog over anything, even life itself. Then there are so many other side characters that pop up from time to time, that it’s a bit of a Muppet Movie type of a gangster film. Colin Farrell is really funny as the horrible screen writer who wants to pen a non violent serial killer story. He’s absurd to a hilarious degree. If I took the time to watch this film again, I may even rate it higher, as at the first viewing I kept thinking the movie was really stupid, but as a couple days have passes since I’ve seen it, I keep reflecting on it, and thinking perhaps I missed a lot of the humor the first time, and is seems better and better as I think back on it. If you like the kind of humor that is offbeat and surprisingly unique, you might really like this one. The more I think about it, the more I enjoyed it. It’s certainly off the beaten path, and though it just came out on video, it didn’t get much traction. But I have a feeling this might be a lot better as time passes and the right people find it.

EdG – EdsReview Dot Com – A Movie Review Blog



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