One-Twenty Inc.

Wood Harris, Zoe Saldana, Brian J. White, Marla Gibbs, Jasmine Guy, Method Man, Edward Asner

Harvard Medical School grad Ray Howard (Brian White) is in Florida completing his internship when he meets Dr. Sidney Zachary (Wood Harris) a serious physician who is a part time stand up comedian. Ray is a bit of a proud fellow, quite a womanizer, and one of those guys who think they are very special. Dr. Z makes an attempt to teach Ray how to be a decent doctor while hiding a terrible secret.

This film is billed as a romantic comedy, which I guess is somewhat fair, but it really is a story about the trials and tribulations, or torture of the interns in a hospital. Some of the funniest bits are between the mean head doctor and his henchman, and the young interns that are terrified of him. I felt like I was peering into the medical profession and sharing an inside joke that all doctors know about the pranks and embarrassments that all new doctors have to go through to become accepted. It’s really a doctor story.

There are many clever moments in the story, and it is touching. But it’s not extremely outstanding in my opinion. If you’re interested in the medical field, then there is a lot of info packed in with the hospital humor, but as a romantic comedy, there’s not much to sink your teeth into here. Some of the stand-up routines that Dr. Z gives at the comedy club are very good, and will make you laugh, but don’t expect a classic “Sleepless in Seattle” type movie. This is not it. It’s more like an episode of Scrubs.

I rate this in the middle, not great, and not awful, but just mediocre. As I said, if you’re inside the medical field, this will be a hoot, otherwise, I’m sure you can do better.

EdG – EdsReview Dot Com – A Movie Review Blog



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