Walt Disney Pictures, Monsterfoot Productions, Scott Sanders Productions,

Jennifer Garner, Joel Edgerton, CJ Adams, Ron Livingston, Dianne Wiest, Odeya Rush, Rosemarie DeWitt, Lin-Manuel Miranda, M. Emmet Walsh, Lois Smith, David Morse, Common

Jim and Cindy Green (Joel Edgerton, Jennifer Garner) are a couple who desperately want a child. But through all their attempts and at great expense, they’ve learned that it’s time to give up. In one last attempt before letting it go, they write down all the qualities they want in a child and put it in a box and bury it in the back yard. That night, during a freak rain storm, Timothy appears, and announces that he is theirs. But Timothy is not your normal little boy. He has a very strange secret, and Jim and Cindy have a lot to learn about themselves and their relationships. This is a very unusual fairy tale story.

First of all, this is MY kind of story, and my kind of film. It’s been a while since I’ve seen what I call a 5 star film! This one did it! Now this is very subjective, and many folks will be bored to death with this. But I was simply blown away. The heartfelt story, or really multiple stories for that matter, make it very interesting. There is a bit of mystery and magic, a lot of lessons to be learned, and some great personal battles to be fought. In the back story, this small town has a single industry, and it’s failing due to a change in technology. Then there’s the story of Jim and his dad, played fabulously by David Morse, who have a very strained relationship. There are so many colorful characters in this film, that you never lose interest. In doing a fairy tale-like movie, it can get boring for adults, but this has so much going on, on so many different levels, that it’s really fascinating. This is such a darling film, but it is kind of dying at the box office. This is such a slow season, that if you get a chance to catch it on the big screen, I highly recommend you do. If not, for sure, wait till it’s on DVD, but don’t miss this wonderful film. One bit of warning though if you are lucky enough to catch it in the theater. It’s a bit of a tear jerker in the end, and you either have to wait through the closing credits, or risk someone seeing a moist eye as you walk out.

EdG – EdsReview Dot Com – A Movie Review Blog



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Movie Review - The Odd Life of Timothy Green (2012) {PG}, 5.0 out of 5 based on 1 rating

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