
Amy Poehler, Paul Rudd, Ed Helms, Cobie Smulders, Max Greenfield, Christopher Meloni

When Joel (Paul Rudd) met Molly (Amy Poehler) sparks flew, but the wrong kind of sparks. They hated each other. Joel owned a huge conglomerate candy company and Molly owns a quirky little neighborhood candy store. This funny little romantic comedy certainly copies “When Harry Met Sally” as well as “You’ve Got Mail” and “Sleepless in Seattle” and a host of other similar type films. But it’s certainly more of a homage to the genre than it is a rip-off. They know they’re copying those films and poking fun at the same time. Joel and Molly are out to dinner with their friends and over the course of the evening tell the whole story of their journey together.

This is not hilarious, but it is very funny. They poke fun at all the classic Rom-Com films that we know and love, and enjoy having laughs at their expense. They’re almost all here, and it’s typical Amy Poehler type humor that we loved in SNL and has a “Parks and Recreation” type of humor throughout. This actually was fun to watch though, especially recognizing and naming all the films represented. They have their own Wayans Brothers style of topping the originals with an extra punch. I found it to be enjoyable, and although I didn’t find it laugh out loud funny, I was entertained. Be aware though, that some people will probably hate this because of the fact that it’s stealing (on purpose) from all the other films. Some people don’t get the joke. So those that hate Naked Gun, the Scary Movie series, and other parody movies probably won’t like this either. But I had fun with it and I think it was a pretty harmless little romp over familiar turf, but with people who appreciate the originals and lovingly skewer them all the way through. I enjoyed it.

EdG – EdsReview Dot Com – A Movie Review Blog



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Movie Review - They Came Together (2014) {R}, 4.0 out of 5 based on 1 rating

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