Tiny Ponies,

Lena Dunham, Laurie Simmons, Grace Dunham, Jemima Kirke, Alex Karpovsky, David Call, Merritt Wever, Amy Seimetz, Garland Hunter, Isen Ritchie

Aura (Lena Dunham) is a hoity-toity rich girl who has just completed college and returns home to live with her rarely home artist Mother in TriBeCa. Aura is having a self described early mid life crisis as she tries to figure out what a failure she’s been and what she’s going to do with the rest of her life.

A lot of people hated this film. You can add me to the list. Lena Dunham wrote this junk, starred in it, and directed herself. So what we have is a self indulgent bit of film. Now anyway has the right to film whatever they want. If you want to make a film about a refrigerator, setting up a camera to document the food that comes in and goes out, and how lunch meat molds, you have the right to make it. But certainly we have the right not to watch it as well. And we certainly have the right not to like it. The cover of one version of this DVD has the bold letters that says “Aura would like you to know that she’s having a very hard time”. This seems to be the point of the movie. Aura whines and complains, fights with her mother, feels ignored and left out of life, and thinks she’s really abused. You would like to smack her and say, would you like to see some people who really have problems. It seems that the “artistic” community feel that it’s fine to graduate film school, then make a film about yourself, and think it’s art.

Aura has a friend Charlotte (Jemima Kirke), who is just as self centered as Aura, and certainly is part of her problem. Then she has this live in boyfriend who lives in the house for free, sleeps all day, and doesn’t do much of anything. He’s a lump on the couch.

At one point mom is complaining about them laying around the house, eating all the food. This is my house, and it’s not a boarding house, not a bed and breakfast. She turns to Aura’s friend Charlotte and asks her. “Do you have the same sense of entitlement that my daughter has?” To which Nadine responds, “Believe me, Mine is much worse.” That, at least, is true. She is a real pain in the ass as well. Basically this is a few weeks of Lena’s life, made into a movie, for no real good purpose. I have heard people claim this is a satire on people who are like this. I can’t give them credit for that bit of brilliance, as it doesn’t come over to me in the least that it was meant as satire. If it was, then I’d give it a bit more credence, but I’m afraid it’s just a narcissistic view of her own life, and for me it doesn’t really have much meaning. I don’t feel sorry for her. I don’t get her, and she’s just annoying. She really needs to grow up, but it seems the college just doesn’t do that for kids these days. Maybe this is why we have 40 year old who still live home with their Mom.

I just think this is one of those awful self indulgent films that doesn’t go anywhere. It certainly doesn’t resonate with someone like me. 🙂

EdG – EdsReview Dot Com – A Movie Review Blog



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