Film4, British Film Institute (BFI), Silver Reel,

Scarlett Johansson, Jeremy McWilliams, Lynsey Taylor Mackay, Dougie McConnell, Kevin McAlinden, Andrew Gorman, Joe Szula, Krystof Hádek, Roy Armstrong, Alison Chand

A beautiful alien woman (Scarlett Johansson) drives through the streets of Scotland in a large dark van, picking up strangers, lonely men, looking for some company. She leads them off to a dark place where they are swallowed up by a large liquid pool.

Well, friends, that’s about all you’re going to get because that’s about all you’re given. This is one of those mysterious, “what the hell is going on” type of film. I was not impressed. I didn’t hate it, but I didn’t enjoy it a smidgen either. I found it really dull. There is nothing much going on, no answers, and nothing to show after wasting a couple hours on this. Now, naturally, the internet is full of people theorizing and pondering over what it all means, and what the symbolism is all about. My problem is I have no basis to start with. I do like science fiction and horror, but I hardly think this film falls into either category. I found it vapid and pointless and just a waste of time.

Now that all that is out in the open, there are a bunch of fans of this movie and others of it’s type. I trust you I am not. I feel like now that I’m getting older, there is a limited number of movies left to watch, and I hate to waste one on drivel like this. It just did not touch me at all. As nice it is to see Scarlett Johansson prance around naked a couple of times, she does that on Instagram anyway, and it’s not worth the investment here. There’s nothing going here, at all.

EdG – EdsReview Dot Com – A Movie Review Blog



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