Semtex Films,

Abbie Cornish, Andrea Riseborough, James D’Arcy, Oscar Isaac, Richard Coyle, David Harbour, James Fox, Judy Parfitt, Haluk Bilginer, Geoffrey Palmer, Natalie Dormer

Wallis Simpson(Andrea Riseborough) was an American socialite who fell head over heels in love with King Edward VIII of England. King Edward VIII was so much into the romance with Wallis that he passed on the throne, abdicating, to try to live a normal life. This is a well known story, but this film is looking at things from Wallis’ perspective. Things were very difficult for her. No one learned this more than Wally Winthrop (Abbie Cornish) who was named after the famous Wallis Simpson and finds herself in a similar situation, in love with a Sotherby guard, but rarely able to be together. She travels to study the personal letters and writings of Wallis to learn her story, giving us this insight at the same time. This story switches back and forth between the two stories of hardship in love, and shows what both women had to give up for love. Directed by Madonna.

This film has some good things going for it. The camera work and the sets, costumes, and such are pretty good. But the story itself is not all that interesting. It didn’t work for me. I tried to follow and get into the story, but it was just too slow. There are real fans of this film, I’m sure, but I was really disappointed. After watching “The King’s Speech” last year, I was looking forward to finding out more about this story. But factually there wasn’t much there. I understand a lot of the facts that were in there were not true. It seems like they started out with an agenda and wrote the movie to match that agenda. I didn’t feel involved in the story and so I really don’t recommend it.

EdG – EdsReview Dot Com – A Movie Review Blog



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