Walt Disney Animation Studios,

John C. Reilly, Jack McBrayer, Jane Lynch, Ken Jeong, Sarah Silverman, Brandon T. Jackson, Stefanie Scott, Scott Menville, Jamie Elman, Jack Angel

Wreck-it Ralph is a video game in the arcade. Wreck-it Ralph (John C Reilly) is a bad guy who smashes up the building, breaking windows and punching holes in the walls. Fix-it Felix (Jack McBrayer) is a repairman who can fix all of Ralph’s damage. If he fixes it all in time, the occupants of the building hold a party in the penthouse where they toss Ralph off the roof. Ralph lives in a dump and is always the bad guy. He dreams of one day being invited to the party and to be able to live somewhere besides the dump. So he gets the idea that if he could win a medal, then he would be a hero and the others would accept him. He heads out to visit other games looking for his chance to be a hero. Along the journey, he meets some special people and has to learn to look inside himself for the answer.

This is a charming new movie from the Disney Animation team, and is old fashioned 2D animation of the finest. Disney still knows the secret to a successful film is the story. This is exciting enough and certainly colorful enough to keep they youngsters interested, but there is a bunch of classic video games that make cameo appearances in this charming film, that is very nostalgic to the older folks who remember the original games. A lot of the characters we loved make their appearance in this movie. But most of all, it’s a fascinating story with a lot of heart, but also a lot of excitement and suspense as well. This will be a very success film because of the quality of the story line. It’s very interesting and will keep the attention of everyone from toddlers to great grandparents. Disney has hit the mark with this movie, and I recommend you don’t delay, but get out there and see it right away!

EdG – EdsReview Dot Com – A Movie Review Blog



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    Ed's Review Dot Com » This Week on DVD – 3/5/2013 said

    March 5 2013 @ 11:08 am

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