** Broadcasting Christmas

Hybrid, Mayor Entertainment,

Melissa Joan Hart, Dean Cain, Cynthia Gibb, Jackée Harry, Richard Kline, Sophie von Haselberg, Kathryn Leigh Scott, Joanna Howard, Susan Shalhoub Larkin, Ashley Santos, Krista Braun, Todd Litzinger, Joyce Cohen, Daren Kelly, Guy Olivieri

Emily Morgan (Melissa Joan Hart) is a TV News Host on the smallest station in the area. When she finds out about an opening for a new cohost for Veronika Daniels (Jackee Harry) on Rise and Shine, the top morning show, she goes right after it. But there are three other people they are looking for, including Charlie Fisher (Dean Cain) who is her ex. The four potential co-hosts take turns in the chair in the days running up to Christmas Eve when the new host is going to be announced. But the competition is fierce, and there may be some really dirty tricks in play.

This 2016 Hallmark Christmas Film is another film around the TV Business. Melissa Joan Hart and Dean Cain are very good together, but Ron Burgandy they are not! It’s a pretty decent film and is kind of fun to watch. It’s light and breezy, and has a lot of fun and romance to go around. An interesting film that is rather fun to watch. There are a few plot twists along the way to keep things moving, and these are like old friends that feel comfortable and familiar. This will be playing on Hallmark all through the season in 2016. If you get a chance to see it, you could do much worse. I enjoyed it.

Here is the Hallmark Channel page for this film.

EdG – EdsReview Dot Com – A Movie Review Blog



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** Christmas Cupid (2010)

ABC Family

Chad Michael Murray, Ashley Benson, Christina Milian, Ryan Sypek, Burgess Jenkins, Cara Mantella, Reagan Michelle, Christie Maher, Jackee Harry, Patrick Johnson, Sharon Morris, Justin Smith

Christina Milian is Sloane Spencer, beautiful, fashionable, public relations representative and her first big client is a challenge.  Ashley Benson is Caitlin Quinn, superstar bad girl who keeps getting into one jam after another which Sloane has to get her out of.  On Christmas Eve she takes off on a boat and, drunk as usual, falls over the side and dies.  But Sloane keeps seeing her.  She’s come back as her personal ghost of Christmas past, present, and future.  Sloane has to learn first hand the things she has to change to be truly happy.

I am typically a big fan of Christmas Carol stories, and I enjoy them all from Scott to Stewart to Grammer, to Murray, to the Muppets, to Mickey Mouse, to Mr. Magoo, and everywhere in between.  But this is so loosely based on the story that it doesn’t hardly resemble it at all.  This is about whether or not she dumped the wrong sweetheart, hence the title.  Christina Milian is cute and ambitious in this role, but the script is really weak.  Caitlin tries to play a Lindsey-Paris type superstar, which she’s not bad at, but when she’s a ghost, she has few redeeming qualities.  Everything is jokes and crack ups and teasing the poor living folks that can see them.  Plus the ghosts are not ghosts but alternate images of living people.  I never thought I’d ever find a Christmas Carol I didn’t like, but there’s a first time for everything.  She found true love and made up with her family and friends, but I don’t know that it matters much.  I hope she got what she wanted.  I’m going to switch over to “Barbie’s Christmas Carol” instead.

EdG – EdsReview Dot Com – A Movie Review Blog



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