Archive for November, 2011

Amanda Productions, Lee Rich Productions, Lorimar Productions

Richard Thomas, Ralph Waite, Michael Learned, Ellen Corby, Jon Walmsley, Judy Norton, Eric Scott, David W. Harper, Kami COtler, Joe Conley, Ronnie Claire Edwards

This fourth Walton movie after the series ended is, unlike the others, set in 1963. John-Boy is still in New York, now desperately trying to convince his sweetheart to marry him. This is set during the days when President John F Kennedy was killed in Dallas, and actual news footage of the events surrounding those days are blended in with the events surround this Walton’s family reunion at Thanksgiving. The family decides to get everyone back together again. Ben is having his troubles. He’s fighting with his dad over the way they are running the lumber company. Plus he and Cindy have just lost their young daughter, and Ben is opposed to Cindy’s wish to adopt another baby. Others come back home as well, including Elizabeth who has returned from Europe after a divorce and starts up with her old beau, against the others wishes. Grandma is back home, and the whole family gets together to catch up and to mourn the awful events that have happened to the country.

The people who hated this movie mostly feel that there is a big flaw in the timing. The kids were growing up back in 1946 and now in 1963, almost 20 years later, have not aged that much. You have to set that aside, as the ages don’t work out, but it’s a TV movie, so don’t think so hard. This has much more meaning to me, as I remember the events of that time, as I was a school boy in those years. So this family has much more meaning to me than a family from the 1940’s. But I imagine folks who grew up in the 40’s would probably like the other ones better. I can identify with this much more, and it’s very nice to catch the story up to when the kids are grown and have families of their own.

I felt this is a typical Walton’s story, with good family values, and good principles and beliefs. I love the rural stories that were on TV back in those times, and it was nice to catch up with the Waltons. I felt the way the weaved the Kennedy assassination into the story was very well done. It gave a lot more impact to that particular Thanksgiving that year, and how the whole country felt. They are such strong characters and so well known and well liked, that it’s great to catch up with them again. Even if you saw this in the 90’s when it aired, it’s nice to see it again to remember nostalgically the Walton Family and their friends.

EdG – EdsReview Dot Com – A Movie Review Blog



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Amanda Productions, Lorimar Productions

Ralph Waite, Jon Walmsley, Judy Norton, Mary Beth McDonough, Eric Scott, David W. Harper, Kami Cotler, Ellen Corby, Robert Wightman

This is the third Walton’s Reunion movie. In this one, most of the family has split up and hardly anyone is planning on coming home for Thanksgiving. Elizabeth is dead set on bringing people together so the family tries to bring it together as a gift for Elizabeth. John tries to get everyone rounded up, and one by one they begin to arrive. John-Boy (Played in this movie by Robert Wightman) is suffering from writer’s block in New York, and looking for inspiration. Erin and Paul are newlyweds and anxious to move out of the Walton Homestead for good. Jason is a struggling musician looking for a break.

This is a typical Walton’s story and nothing much more. That’s enough, if you’re a fan of the clan. It’s good to see them growing up and moving on with their lives. It’s a good family values story (as all Walton’s stories are), and a nice Thanksgiving special. You’ll find it on TV around Thanksgiving, and if you’re a Walton’s fan and want some nostalgia for an hour and a half, check this one out. It’s a delightful trip down memory lane with the Walton clan.

EdG – EdsReview Dot Com – A Movie Review Blog



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One-Twenty Inc.

Wood Harris, Zoe Saldana, Brian J. White, Marla Gibbs, Jasmine Guy, Method Man, Edward Asner

Harvard Medical School grad Ray Howard (Brian White) is in Florida completing his internship when he meets Dr. Sidney Zachary (Wood Harris) a serious physician who is a part time stand up comedian. Ray is a bit of a proud fellow, quite a womanizer, and one of those guys who think they are very special. Dr. Z makes an attempt to teach Ray how to be a decent doctor while hiding a terrible secret.

This film is billed as a romantic comedy, which I guess is somewhat fair, but it really is a story about the trials and tribulations, or torture of the interns in a hospital. Some of the funniest bits are between the mean head doctor and his henchman, and the young interns that are terrified of him. I felt like I was peering into the medical profession and sharing an inside joke that all doctors know about the pranks and embarrassments that all new doctors have to go through to become accepted. It’s really a doctor story.

There are many clever moments in the story, and it is touching. But it’s not extremely outstanding in my opinion. If you’re interested in the medical field, then there is a lot of info packed in with the hospital humor, but as a romantic comedy, there’s not much to sink your teeth into here. Some of the stand-up routines that Dr. Z gives at the comedy club are very good, and will make you laugh, but don’t expect a classic “Sleepless in Seattle” type movie. This is not it. It’s more like an episode of Scrubs.

I rate this in the middle, not great, and not awful, but just mediocre. As I said, if you’re inside the medical field, this will be a hoot, otherwise, I’m sure you can do better.

EdG – EdsReview Dot Com – A Movie Review Blog



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Chesler/Perlmutter Productions

Greg Bryk, Sydney Cross, Peter DaCunha, Jayden Greig, Tricia Helfer, Tedde Moore, Mairtin O’Carrigan, Damon Runyan

Mrs Santa (Tedde Moore) senses that her husband Santa (Mairtin O’Carrigan) is losing the Christmas spirit. He’s even talking of quitting. So she tries to think of a plan, and figures if she can find Christmas spirit anywhere, New York City is the place, so off she goes for The Big Apple to find some spirit to cheer up her husband. In the process she finds a great family who really needs her help.

This is a brand new Hallmark Christmas movie, premiering this year. It’s true that the “Santa is depressed because nobody believes in him anymore” premise has been done to done to death. But this is a fresh look at the problem. Mrs. Santa is extremely delightful and quite a nice lady. The family, dedicated New York policeman, and overzealous career woman that are planning to divorce, and two nice kids who are being torn apart by the divorce. This is a heartwarming story due to the characters and the fine actors that play the parts. It’s nice to have a new movie. There are a few every year, and that helps make the story fresh.

This is one that will probably last through the years. Watch for this one on Hallmark, and if it doesn’t warm your heart, you may be dead!

EdG – EdsReview Dot Com – A Movie Review Blog



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Automatic Pictures, Muse Entertainment Enterprises, WildRice Productions

Jacqueline Bisset, Tatiana Maslany, Helene Joy, Ted Atherton, Vivien Endicott-Douglas, Kristopher Turner, Michael Barbuto, Paula Boudreau, Catherine Fitch, Gage Munroe

This Hallmark holiday film is the story, based on Louisa May Alcott’s short story, of a poor widow, Mary Bassett (Helene Joy) who is trying to support her three children, but they are so poor, they can’t afford a turkey for Thanksgiving. Unexpectedly her estranged mother (Jaqueline Bisset) arrives, but the stress and strain between the wealthy mother, and her poor daughter is deep, and there are serious wounds that will need healing.

This, like most Louisa May Alcott stories is not about the grandmother, nor the mother, but is in the eyes of the young lady daughter/granddaughter who is about to turn into a lady. She is in love but sees the battle between her mother and her grandmother. Grandmother didn’t like the man and the life of poverty that her daughter has chosen, nor does Mary like the way her mother, who was born into poverty, caught the affections of an elderly rich man, and got him to leave his fortune to her, despite the objections of his family. This is a costume drama, but a very convincing story. It’s a Thanksgiving tale, so it’s a feel good story in the end, but very well told. Regardless of all the struggles and misfortunes, we once again learn that blood is thicker than water, and with some understanding it might all work out. I really enjoyed this film.

EdG – EdsReview Dot Com – A Movie Review Blog



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