** A Christmas Star


Erin Galway-Kendrick, Robert James-Collier, Bronagh Waugh, Liam Neeson(Narrator)

Noelle O’Hanlon (Erin Galway-Kendrick) was born under the Christmas Star, so she feels like she must be special. With the encouragement of her friends, she believes she has the power of working miracles. But when a slick businessman shows up with plants to upgrade the factory that is the life blood of the town, Noelle knows he’s up to something. When she overhears that he’s really planning to tear everything down and building a resort in it’s place, Noelle must rely on her miracle powers to try to convince the town to reject the plan.

This cute little British Christmas has a nice little story like many others. A town in trouble, with good townspeople struggling to make a difference and failing, and an angry former resident who has made good and is coming back to wreak havoc on the little town and to destroy the town. Pierce Brosnan has a cameo as the company owner who isn’t aware of what his rogue executive is up to, and Liam Neeson is the narrator. Both of these two help the story along. The Irish accent is charming and the local settings is really nice. This is an interesting story that is an interesting story of life in a different world. I enjoyed this film and caught it on NetFlix streaming. It was really worthwhile watching and I enjoyed it a lot.

EdG – EdsReview Dot Com – A Movie Review Blog



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