Canaan Films
Gina Holden, Billy rfay Cyrus, Liam James, Carolyn Adair, Jacob Blair, Matt Ward, Malcolm Stewart, Marsha Regis, Jaishon Fisher, Simon Chin
In the “sequel” to Christmas in Canaan, Bobber (Liam James) is in need of extensive orthopedic surgery and months and months of physical therapy to recover from being hit by a car. Rodney Freeman (Matt Ward) the young black man who Daniel (Billy Ray Cyrus) took into his home and raised as his own son (in the previous movie) has now become a famous and very successful writer and offers to fly the Daniel and Bobber to California for treatment for Bobber. While in San Francisco, Daniel meets and falls for Briony Adair (Gina Holden), the doctor who is treating Bobber on the road to recovery. Bobber invites Briony home for Christmas, but a terrible mishap causes Daniel to force Briony to leave. Things go downhill for the family until Daniel swallows his pride and reaches out to make up.
The original story was about an incident where Daniels son gets involved in a bit of trouble with an African-American kid and the punishment was that they live one week at each other’s house to learn to be more tolerant. In this film, they are grown and facing different problems. This is a simple story, down home and small town. This is a brand new film for this year (2011) and a nice follow up to the original story. It continues to teach about forgiveness and tolerance. The story is plain, but it’s a nice relaxing Christmas tale. Nothing to get really excited about here, but it is a fairly decent story of good family values. If you’re familiar with the other one, then this is a good follow-up to the first movie.