** A Firehouse Christmas

Feu Productions,

Anna Hutchison, Marcus Rosner, Anita Brown, Bruce Dawson, Jerry Trimble, Benjamin Charles Watson, Jaeda Lily Miller, Rachel Hayward, Mark McConchie, John Wardlow, Gemma Martini, Cole Andriuk, Daniel Bacon, Nelson Wong, Kirsten Lea

Tom Norris (Marcus Rosner) is a noted Olympic hockey player with an ex-wife, Mary Hamilton (Anita Brown) who was America’s Sweetheart when she was an Olympic figure skater, and a young daughter Sadie (Jaeda Lily Miller) who adores both of them. Mary has written a book on marriage and is on a book tour trying to sell the book, and she wants Tom to come back home and pretend to be getting back together for the sake of book sales. The problem is that Tom is in a relationship with a charming firefighter named Jenny (Anna Hutchison) and playing happy husband and wife is not acceptable to either Tom or Jenny. But Mary has money and power and is ready to use Sadie as a weapon to force him to do her will.

The title of this film “Firehouse Christmas” is misleading. This is a rich, complex film with a lot of things going on in many levels. The firehouse connection is really slim. I kind of expected a lonely firefighter with a dog falling in love with a lonely lady who has a thing for firemen. What a surprise and a delight this story was. There are plenty of back stories. There is a lot of complications as things go hysterically awry. There a quite a few problems going on at once, and together they are a rather funny. It’s also quite touching on many levels. The characters are very well played and it’s a good strip. Special kudos to Jaeda Lily Miller who is wonderfully sassy and charming at the same time in her role. She’s wonderful. If you get a chance to see this film, it’s well worth the time spent. I enjoyed this one a lot.

Here is the ION TV web page for this 2016 premier movie.

EdG – EdsReview Dot Com – A Movie Review Blog



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