** Holiday Breakup

Holiday Breakup Productions, Promedios, Temple Mathews Productions,

Manon Mathews, Shawn Roe, Katie Leclerc, Diane Robin, Matt Riedy, Rene Hamilton, Daniel Hugh Kelly, Mindy Sterling, Derek DuChesne, Jennifer Aspen, Lenora May, Jordan James Smith, Nancy Van Iderstine

Chloe (Manon Mathews) is a new soul. She laughs and plays and refuses to grow up. She wants to joke around and have fun all the time. Jeff (Shawn Roe), on the other hand, is all business all the time, serious and sober. When the two literally bump into each other, the sparks fly and they hit it off really well with each other and with their respective families, but when they decide to move in together, they find there is lots of troubles because they are far too different from each other. But as the families are so fond of each of them, and neither can face spending Christmas alone, so they decide to spend Thanksgiving, at least, pretending to be a happy couple. This works out okay, but for Christmas the decide to come clean, but troubles in their families make them decide to keep up the charade, but by New Years Eve they can’t stand being together anymore so the finally split. But the troubles are still happening.

Not an all Christmas movie, the story starts on New Years Eve, but flashes back to the beginning on July 4th when the “fireworks” started, although most of the film is set on the period between Thanksgiving and New Years Eve, so it fits the holiday setting (and title) just fine. This is a cute little film with some fresh faces and funny families. They usual misfits are here, and they have a lot to work out, but his is a fun couple, and you’ll probably find yourself rooting for them to work it out, but there is so much going on, they are really in a really bad place. The actors are pretty good, and the story isn’t bad. This is available for streaming on Netflix and not a bad little holiday flick. Watch it if you’re in need for a holiday rom/com that you probably haven’t seen before.

EdG – EdsReview Dot Com – A Movie Review Blog



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1 Comment so far »


    temple mathews said

    February 28 2017 @ 2:24 am

    Thanks for the nice review. Manon’s fans really like the film. 🙂

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