RKO Radio Pictures

Robert Mitchum, Janet Leigh, Wendell Corey, Gordon Gebert, Griff Barnett, Esther Dale, Henry O’Neill, Henry Morgan, Larry J. Blake, Helen Brown

Steve Mason (Robert Mitchum) is the sales clerk in a large department store, and he’s lucky enough to work in the toy department selling the hottest new toy of the season, an electric train. Connie Ennis (Janet Leigh) is a comparison shopper for a competitor. She buys the train to compare prices, and is planning to return it the next day. Connie is planning to marry Carl Davis (Wendell Corey) her lawyer fiance. Son Timmy sees the train and thinks it for him, but the next day when Connie takes the train back, she sweet talks Steve into taking it back, even though he knows what she’s up to. This gets him fired. When he finds out how much Timmy wants the train, he buys it for him, so that sets Connie out on a quest to find Mr. Mason to give him back the money. In exchange for her kindness, Steve proposes and Connie rejects. This sets off a series of events as Connie has to decide what she really wants, even if it’s nobody!

It’s interesting how old movies have such a simple story. There is no unnecessary complications or back stories, it’s just a sweet and funny romantic comedy played well. Made by RKO pictures by Howard Hughes, this is a delightful look back into the 1940’s in a Black and White feature with some great acting. It’s one of the most forgotten classic Christmas films, but one that’s really light and simple. I enjoyed watching it, and it has a nice feel to it. I would recommend this for people who are fans of classic movies from Hollywood’s golden age.

EdG – EdsReview Dot Com – A Movie Review Blog



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