Entertainment Studios Motion Pictures, Tea Shop & Film Company, Dimension Films,

Claire Holt, Mandy Moore, Chris J. Johnson, Yani Gellman, Santiago Segura, Matthew Modine

Lisa (Mandy Moore) is healing from a hurtful breakup, so she and her sister Kate (Claire Holt) head out on a vacation to Mexico. While there, some guys they met ask them to take a boat trip out on the ocean to go down in an cage a short distance under the water to view the sharks. They set out on the adventure, but a failure of the system causes their cage to plunge 47 Meters down to the floor of the ocean, where they’re stranded with only a little oxygen, no way to easily get back up and constantly being circled by hungry sharks. The must use all their wits to try to survive this.

This new 2017 film was rather nicely done. It was wonderful to see Mandy Moore again, and she’s great as the lead in this film. I’m sure it will make just a little dent in the box office with all the other blockbusters out there, but it’s actually a rather nice change of pace. It’s really terrifying, and the soundtrack and the jump scares are pretty well done. If you watch this in the theater with a good sound system, it’s bound to make you jump several times. The suspense is good, and it’s really entertaining and suspenseful. But it is reminiscent of many other disaster movies, and it pulls all the normal cliche’s out and uses them all. It was a really nice change of pace, and a good experience, but I can’t rate this as an excellent film, as it’s not a big movie after all. But if you’re getting tired of all the superheroes, this is something different and was much better done than I expected. I enjoyed it.

EdG – EdsReview Dot Com – A Movie Review Blog



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